Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

PC Heist matchmaking is horrible

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Is it just me or is the matchmaking horrible on PC? I spent 30 minutes in the game, trying to start a heist, and I couldn't for various reasons. Players almost never join. I once started it but the player was AFK and ended up leaving the game. Why is it so bad like this? Is the game that dead already or what?

Anyone interested in playing heists? We need two good players.


Active Member
I haven't done a heist for a couple of days but I didn't have any trouble then. Hmm, maybe try to start one again? There were probably problems with the server when you tried.


Active Member
It's because most players are smart enough to get started on Heists with their own team rather than relying upon matchmaking. Also, I've never experienced issues with the matchmaking, but playing the Heists with friends just makes it easier to avoid such headaches if they do arise.


Yeah, well, I currently don't have any friends that play it, other than the guy I was with in the party. We used to have a full team, but they have stopped playing and they weren't online at the time. It's dumb how you can't play if you don't have a full team. Sometimes, I just want to get in a quick game. I don't have any money because I can't complete any heists, because I can't get in them.

Also, do I have to forward some of the ports or anything? My game brings me back to the single player with a "server timed out" error a lot.