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Overlooked handheld consoles?

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What are some handheld consoles that deserve more recognition, but they just don't get it? The Sega Game Gear is one I really enjoyed as a kid, had a nice screen, felt comfortable and was fun to play overall. It just didn't last too long from what I remember. Oh the Gameboy Micro or whatever it was called, awesome little handheld, could play all gameboy and gameboy advance games, totally worth it.


I remember the first time I saw a Gameboy micro, it was back in 05 at an airport lol I would have never known it existed because I never saw anyone with it before.

Ghost Rider

The PS Vita I think. It's very powerful and it has a number of great games. The only problem is that it's far being overshadowed by its main competitor - the 3DS and its indirect competitors - the smartphones. People don't realize that the PS Vita is actually a pretty good handheld device to have.


New Member
Everybody forgot about the Atari Lynx. It was technically streets ahead of the game gear and game boys of the time. It was released before the game gear as well. If it had been properly supported with games it would have been a great success.


Well-Known Member
Sony Xperia Play, for me. I wanted to get one, but was put off by the bad reviews. I really think they could have made something great with it, though, had they stuck with it and developed it further. It's really the only type of phone I really wanted, as none of the other smartphones have really appealed to me. Until today, I'm still hoping that they someday give it a go again.


A lot people hated on the PSP Go, but when I first saw this handheld console, I instantly saw this console as one of my favorites. The console looked so good and the variety of games was awesome. Sony even discontinued the console, and I was like," Why, why would you do that?" :)


Well-Known Member
A lot people hated on the PSP Go, but when I first saw this handheld console, I instantly saw this console as one of my favorites. The console looked so good and the variety of games was awesome. Sony even discontinued the console, and I was like," Why, why would you do that?" :)

I never got to own one, but I did like the design a lot better than the old one, even if it seemingly would be less comfortable. Unfortunately, like you said, it was discontinued, and too early in my opinion, since I was only about to get one but found out that most I could get was a used one.


People keep saying the Vita has no games, but that thing has so many games. I guess they don't check the digital catalog or don't like indies, or maybe they're 3DS fanboys trying to justify their purchase by shitting on the competition or something.


Not so much overlooked per se, but more underutilized for a specific purpose. The iOS devices are popular gaming devices for games like Angry Birds and Bejewelled but there's a lot of good old school RPGs out there that work great on iOS. Final Fantasy IV was really good, and they managed to get Chrono Trigger working as well. If you are a strategy fan, I would also strongly recommend Battle for Westnos. There's a lot of good stuff out there, but people mostly stick to Angry Birds.


Not so much overlooked per se, but more underutilized for a specific purpose. The iOS devices are popular gaming devices for games like Angry Birds and Bejewelled but there's a lot of good old school RPGs out there that work great on iOS. Final Fantasy IV was really good, and they managed to get Chrono Trigger working as well. If you are a strategy fan, I would also strongly recommend Battle for Westnos. There's a lot of good stuff out there, but people mostly stick to Angry Birds.

Yeah, though that's more like overlooked mobile games than overlooked handheld consoles. Regardless, iOS does have some neat games, like these you mentioned and Infinity Blade, but people definitely stick to the casual stuff like Angry Birds.


Well-Known Member
I just remembered the Nvidia Shield and thought I'd post about it here.


I actually think it looks great and I heard it's very powerful too, but unfortunately, it's not a Sony or Nintendo so the games in it are limited.


A lot people hated on the PSP Go, but when I first saw this handheld console, I instantly saw this console as one of my favorites. The console looked so good and the variety of games was awesome. Sony even discontinued the console, and I was like," Why, why would you do that?" :)

Personally I thought the go was a piece of crap. It didn't have a UMD Drive and that made it so you couldn't play alot of different titles.


Well-Known Member
@jbeavis100 I agree that it was pretty crappy of Sony to disregard all the people who gave them money for their previous products that way, but I saw it as necessary since at that point, physical media became a lot more obviously on the way out.


The PS Vita I think. It's very powerful and it has a number of great games. The only problem is that it's far being overshadowed by its main competitor - the 3DS and its indirect competitors - the smartphones. People don't realize that the PS Vita is actually a pretty good handheld device to have.
The thing is, Sony themselves aren't willing to shell out the money to make it worth while. Yes, it's very powerful, and it has some great games, but meanwhile, the 3DS is selling far cheaper, and while it's less powerful, it has far more games of a good to great caliber. I mean...Sony seems to have just abandoned Vita at this point.

They tried to repeat the success of the PSP, and then forgot that the reason the PSP took off like a shot was due to the emulation capabilities.


I too think that PS Vita should be given more recognition, because I think that it is a great system with a lot of great games, but people overlook it and I don't why that is. When it came out I wanted to get it as soon as possible so I could start playing.


I too think that PS Vita should be given more recognition, because I think that it is a great system with a lot of great games, but people overlook it and I don't why that is. When it came out I wanted to get it as soon as possible so I could start playing.
Well, it's because it's not nearly as good as it was hyped up to be. Not only that, but it's not nearly as good as the original PSP.


PS Vita and PSP Go is probably the two overlooked handheld I've seen. I owned both of them and I like them. PS Vita had a good library(what I mean is that the library may be small but it does have good options in the game), looked slick and honestly, was better than 3DS in my opinion. I also liked the design of the PSP Go, and the system of only downloadable games was great, it meant that you didn't have to worry about the game going missing or stolen. However, it was apparently not the time for that kind of system to happen, even though it's now encouraged and it was working on the PC . Oh well, I hope that the recognition for the PS Vita continues on.