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How do you guys feel about the only racing aspects in GTA? I know this game has been out for a while but it is probably one of the best multiplayer games out there. How did you feel about the online racing in GTA? Did you like it?


Well-Known Member
I liked it and I appreciate the many different and unique modes that make it fun for someone like me who prefers arcade type racing. I still prefer actual racing games though.


Active Member
I have to admit that I only did one race in V but I did quite enjoy it.

I did a lot of racing in San Andreas multiplayer though and if it's anything like that where you can create your own courses not only with markers on the streets but also creating tracks with different elements from a catalogue of objects then I will enjoy it for sure.


I have to admit that I only did one race in V but I did quite enjoy it.

I did a lot of racing in San Andreas multiplayer though and if it's anything like that where you can create your own courses not only with markers on the streets but also creating tracks with different elements from a catalogue of objects then I will enjoy it for sure.
With creative use of the creator props it can become similar to that but no, GTAV is not that open. That requires extensive modding so it's only really possible solo on PC until someone makes a dedicated server multiplayer mod due to cheat protection.


I liked racing with other people but I feel like modding just made it hard to race seriously with anyone. As soon as I started to beat them then they would pull out the mods and just ruin everything.


Active Member
The racing in GTA V was decent, but definitely not the best. Comparing it with Forza or Need for Speed, it doesn't even come close - though I'm sure they didn't put a lot of effort in the races.


Active Member
Do you think a Destruction Derby type mode would work in GTA V? I remember seeing a video of one that was staged in GTA IV and it was actually pretty good.