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How important is it for a console to have an online play feature? Would you think of a console any less if it did not have an online play option?


I think it's a pretty important feature for modern games. The fun you can have by yourself is pretty limited, and you usually got bored after some times because you run out of things to do after completing everything for a third or fourth time. But playing with others? The fun factor just got a few times bigger! AI has limits and you can usually predict their movement after you get used to them. But playing with people is unpredictable!


Well-Known Member
It's not really that important to me since I much prefer playing multiplayer offline when I can, but I do see it as a welcome feature. However, I still wouldn't exactly call it a requirement, personally speaking. I'd be perfectly happy even if the console were just for offline use as long as the games I could play in it are fun.


I would get bored very quickly without the opportunity to play online. I like being competitive and playing with friends and just experiencing games in a different way compared to a set storyline.


It is only important if you want to play with your friends. You can have fun with your friends if you have a high speed internet.


It is very important for a console to have online play available and cheap. It's way better to play on stable servers and have fun with other people too.


Well-Known Member
It is only important if you want to play with your friends. You can have fun with your friends if you have a high speed internet.
Good point. Sometimes the option is available but your internet just can't handle it. The best way is to really just get as fast of an internet connection as possible.


I've never had a console with an online feature, but I imagine it must be quite addicting...
And that has got be where games are going. There used to be some games you would get bored with bacause you were playing alone. Never again though...

I just picture playing the new UFC game online, and I immediately jizz my pants...
Also, I love trash talking!