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Online community is bad?

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Have you guys heard the news that the Paris bombers were using Playstations to talk online? I think that online community in gaming is going to be closely watched because of that event. No more fun for the trolls!


Active Member
I heard that news a few days before the bomb attacks. Apparently terrorists are using the Playstation Network to co-ordinate their planned attacks.

I'm all for stopping them from doing so, but I just feel like they are saying this so they can monitor what people are saying to each other and making the network not so private.
It's GTA. If you go in expecting anything less than cancer in voice-chat form, you're in for a surprise. Also, pretty much any online game which allows you to kill others will be an endless deathmatch, so that's expected of GTA V. This is why I find that games like this are better played with friends than solo.


Active Member
The larger a game community is, the more likely there are to be trolls and immature people. This holds especially true for games such as GTA V, which are typically targeted at a young male audience.

My only main qualm with online would be the hackers. Flamers and trolls, I'd just block them and move on.


Well-Known Member
It's GTA. If you go in expecting anything less than cancer in voice-chat form, you're in for a surprise. Also, pretty much any online game which allows you to kill others will be an endless deathmatch, so that's expected of GTA V. This is why I find that games like this are better played with friends than solo.
Good point. Considering the theme of the game it really should be expected that the target audience won't be too polite.


I saw online that some players were using mods to "rape" other players' avatars online. That's just pathetic and childish. Rape is not cute or a joke. I don't mind the hookers in GTA games but making your character rape some other guy's character is messed up.


Well-Known Member
Have you guys heard the news that the Paris bombers were using Playstations to talk online? I think that online community in gaming is going to be closely watched because of that event. No more fun for the trolls!
I didn't know about this. I am guessing they did this to be able to communicate under the radar. I hope it didn't end up ruining the fun for everyone else like with many other things.


Active Member
I didn't know about this. I am guessing they did this to be able to communicate under the radar. I hope it didn't end up ruining the fun for everyone else like with many other things.

I don't think it's ruined the fun or ruined the network but needless to say the authorities will bound to be paying a closer attention to chat systems on consoles.


I don't think it's ruined the fun or ruined the network but needless to say the authorities will bound to be paying a closer attention to chat systems on consoles.
When stuff like this happens, it usually means that the government will start cracking down "for the safety of the people". Slowly, freedom of speech is being oppressed because of evil stuff like this. It's not fair that because some people decide to be awful and devilish, we all suffer. Still, I guess if it means we'll be protected. For it to affect gaming, though? That's just so disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's ruined the fun or ruined the network but needless to say the authorities will bound to be paying a closer attention to chat systems on consoles.
Well then I guess that's fine because it's not like they are not doing that for everything else already anyway. I think it is pretty amusing that some authority would have to listen in on hours of trolls bashing each other though.
Yeah , I hate that and that becomes really really annoying sometimes and few people just speak out random crap which isn't even related to the game. One of the reasons, I stopped going there long back.
As far as trash talking or just simple banter I don't mind too much. Sometimes it's fun to listen to the stupid conversations people have. If they get annoying I just mute them and move on with my life. It's really not that big of a deal.


There's a lot of kids playing it, that's why. But there's also pretty cool people, I've already made a couple of friends just by playing it, and they're awesome. You just need to find them.


Active Member
I've recently got back into GTA Online in a regular way and the community is not too bad. I was expecting people to come hunting for you to kill you almost all the time but it's not too bad at all. I've had a few bad experiences but overall a pretty enjoyable experience so far.

I've heard the squeaky kids on the mics and it's pretty funny hearing some pre-puberty kid saying he's gonna kill someone. This evening I even head one blurting out "ya fuggen noob" which gave me pretty mixed feelings to be honest.


Like you said, it's the same with every popular online games. Just look at CS:GO, DotA 2, and even FIFA online community is pretty terrible. When a game is this huge, then you just can't escape the bad eggs in the community.


Active Member
Like you said, it's the same with every popular online games. Just look at CS:GO, DotA 2, and even FIFA online community is pretty terrible. When a game is this huge, then you just can't escape the bad eggs in the community.

Summed it up perfectly. You're always gonna get bad eggs but even on less popular games you get them. Some just want to ruin things for everyone in a bid to boost their ego. That's the way I see it anyway but I just try not to let it worry me anymore.
Pretty sure all online communities have their toxic members. With a large community with GTA 5, of course there will be lots of troublemakers to ruin the fun of everyone. It would be toxic though, if you LET them make it toxic. If you just try to ignore them, they will eventually go away. That's the thing I have learned through the years of being part of online communities. If you don't give these toxic members the time of day, they won't bother you back.