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Old Racing Games You Would Reboot

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I'd want a decent Death Rally sequel. I don't mean the abomination we got recently with the so-called "remake". I could envision a cyberpunk racing game with black market deals and corrupt governments.


New Member
+1 for Road Fighter. That kind of games, even though it is simplistic, holds a certain entertainment value that is hard to beat. Road Fighter reminds me of Excitebikes in a way. They both utilize simple lane transition maneuvers, but manage to be a lot more complex and skill based than many other games that consist of elaborate and complicated driving models. I guess sometimes simple is better and harder to master. To be honest though I thought it was already remade... Maybe I am wrong here, but I have that strong sense of seeing it remade not so long ago.


I would probably vote for Wacky Racers too, because I played this game a lot when I was younger and it would really make me happy playing it all over again with my friends and have fun playing it once again. They should really consider rebooting some of the old racing games, it would be a large profit in my opinion, because a lot of people that have played the games when they came out way back would buy it and the kids today would surelly love them and would pay fore them, so why not? :)


F-Zero, played that for hours and hours when I was a little kid. If it was rebooted, I would buy it in a instant.


Well-Known Member
I'd LOVE to see a new crazy taxi. You know, the nostalgia would flow again.
I just downloaded a mobile version, and they have out some innovations to accommodate touchscreen controls so it's not entirely accurate to the original versions, but it is still very fun and good enough in my opinion. I'd still like to see it come t on consoles again soon though.


I definitely would like to see a modern rendition of Road Rash. I think this game would lend itself well to modern capabilities. It's very unique, in my opinion, and the older versions are terribly outdated, which I think makes it even more sensible to have a reboot now. What do you guys think? Which old titles would be your pick?

Definitely NFS Underground II. It is not that old since it was a PS2 game but it is definitely something I want to see in HD.


Well-Known Member
Definitely NFS Underground II. It is not that old since it was a PS2 game but it is definitely something I want to see in HD.
Agreed. There are lots of PS2 games I'd let to see in widescreen as well since that era to me was kind of a golden age. My favorite NFS was most wanted but I think they did already make an HD version of that.


Agreed. There are lots of PS2 games I'd let to see in widescreen as well since that era to me was kind of a golden age. My favorite NFS was most wanted but I think they did already make an HD version of that.

It was definitely the start of some great series on the video game franchise. And just any sort of old school Need for Speed would be amazing and nostalgic for all of us Ps2 fans haha.


Also going along that SEGA route I'd love to see a new Crazy Taxi!
Yes, I'd love a new Crazy Taxi. That was a crazy fun game. I have a version of the original for the PS2. I still occasionally go back and play it, for some random entertainment


I definitely have to say Outrun. There needs to be a new addition to that series. SEGA, please make another Outrun. I like how it's fun when you race, and relaxing when you cruise in arcade mode.


I'd love it if Nintendo were smart and made an F-Zero for the 3DS. Think about it, people! Those ridiculous F-Zero tracks in 3D! Come on, who wouldn't want to play that?


A new Crazy Taxi would be cool, especially since they have brought B.D. Joe back twice for both Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing game. Also, this may be a weird one, but a reboot of the SEGA game, Hang On! would be interesting. There aren't that many racing games that have motorcycles.


Destruction Derby anyone?

Outrun and Rock N Roll Racers would also be sweet!
Rock N Roll Racers has zero chance though...

I'd love to see a Outrun remake made for Virtual Reality goggles!
Awesome landscapes, stylin and drivin...

But seriously, Destruction Derby, right?