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NFS Oldies - Which One is Your Favourite?

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Well, a lot of people are playing the newer games now, but the fact remains that a lot of us played older ones too - and we enjoyed them.

When it comes to me, I can't really decide which one is my favourite. I am always wavering in between Underground I and II. It's probably because Underground I was my first NFS game. I'd started playing Underground 2 a few years after I'd finished the first part. I remember being fascinated with it because you could drive around the city and have five cars in your garage as opposed to Underground I where you only had one. It was the biggest perk of the second part, I believe. Then I was playing Most Wanted and Hot Pursuit, until finally, Carbon came out. I really hated those boss races. They were so annoyingly long and usually, I wanted to have their cars, so I'd play for half an hour, pick a card and I wouldn't get the car and then I'd have to play again - that was a real test of my patience, I'm telling you.

I'd probably still choose either of the Underground series as my favourite, though, they are simply close to my heart.

What about you? Which of the old NFS games is your favourite?


Active Member
Probably Underground, since it was the first game to offer such in-depth car tuning, with paint jobs, rims, neon, vinyls and the like. Pretty revolutionary in setting the tone for later racing games.


Active Member
I'm most fond of NFS:Carbon, it was probably the first NFS game I ever played and I loved the races, even though the boss races were all over the place. It was fun!


Well-Known Member
My favorite would probably be most wanted because I loved the police chases in those especially when you get deeper into the game and it gets very difficult. I though having to go through police barricades was one of the best things incorporated into a racing game ever.

Ryan Allwright

New Member
Need for Speed Carbon seemed to be thought out better than the Underground series. I thought it was well designed and the cliffs really added a nice touch. The older "Hot Pursuit" games were also a ton of fun. Hot Pursuit 2 was so beautiful with it's maps, waterfalls, and colors. I find some of the new NSF games are getting a bit repetitive and they are the same year after year.