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I've never played this game but I'm thinking of picking it up when I finished the DLC for GTA IV. What platform should I get it on and is it even worth it? I've heard mixed reviews.


I've played it on the Nintendo DS, and I'm telling you, don't bother with it. It plays very finicky on portable consoles and just doesn't feel like a GTA game to me. But that's just me, you're welcome to try it. If you have a powerful enough PC, you could just emulate it with a PSP emulator or an NDS emulator.


New Member
I have only played the game on a DS so I don't know if the game is any different on a PSP or iOS I would get the game on whatever system you own or which ever one you enjoy the most. I enjoyed the game, but I am a big GTA fan if your not sure go check out some videos on YouTube before you buy.

Rand paul

DUDE you are missing out.
No one doubts your a big GTA fan as why else would you be posting but believe me you need to play on PSP.


New Member
It's okay. There isn't really a challenge for it. It was a great game considering I was knew to the whole GTA Series. I started out my getting money from pedestrians, which the cops DIDN'T come after me for. Then I found a body-armor behind the fence in this little coldesac I was at.


New Member
Like some suggest, don't get it. Just play the new ones. Chinatown doesn't really feel like GTA to me.


I played it on my PSP and didn't really have much fun playing it. The graphics were very cartoony and the gameplay wasn't as excited as the other games in the series. I just had higher hopes because I had finished playing Liberty City Stories and then played this game. I think I have to give it another shot.


The PSP is arguably the best platform to pick it up. I urge Rock star to make an updated version for the Vita.


I think that the pc is the best platform to play GTA, you can aim easily using the mouse in my opinion. Plus your hands aren't that strained clutching that console since you're using a keyboard.


New Member
I hate the PSP in general, but that may be a personal preference. Definitely prefer it on Nintendo DS. Just keep in mind, since it's a portable game on a less powerful system it's not going to be as in depth or polished as a normal DS game. I still enjoy it though.


New Member
If you think you may not like the game you can always buy a used copy off ebay I am sure you can find a cheap copy just make sure it works!


I would recommend getting it on iOS if you have an iPod/iPhone/iPad. It's an okay game, nothing too special. I found it a little lacking, but still somewhat enjoyable.


I played it on my Ds and I thought it was pretty fun, although the minigames for stealing cars get old pretty soon...
What an odd game this was for Nintendo to release. I played it for quite a while on my DS when it first came out and thought it was pretty great. Honestly, you can't fault the graphics too much, for a portable console they had to change the visual style to make it work. I wonder if they'll ever do a portable title like this for the 3DS.


That's a good point, it really is quite unlike Nintendo to release this type of game, although it wasn't as violent as other GTA games (at least you couldn't see the violence as well)

Sure, it's less violent but the overall is the drug dealing and HUGE amount of cussing every other word. Rockstar made up for the lack of violence.


I own it on my iPod Touch and it's awesome! The controls are great and the gameplay is perfect for a portable device, if you like GTA you'll definitely like this one.