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Over the past few months I've found myself increasingly bored as I've been out an MMORPG to currently play. I used to play not so known ones like Lost Saga, and Dofus, but continuous updates and company changes managed to ruin both. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good ones that they can recommend, preferably free to play.


What are you expecting out of a free-to-play MMORPG?

There are a few, but to be honest, the best mmorpgs are subscription based. I used to put a lot of time into EVE Online, and got to a point where I could technically sustain my subscription for three accounts (yes, three accounts) so I guess it was technically free to play. I've still got literally billions of assets in that game, but the company pissed me off. Long story there... Made a good few friends in that game though.


There are tons of MMORPG in the market right now and most of them are F2P. Sadly, most of them are just not up to the par to be worthy of more than 10 minutes of gameplay. So, I would recommend you a B2P game called 'The Secret World'. It's one of the best MMORPG games you will ever play if you are looking for a good lore.


I'd highly advise you to tryout World of Warcraft or League of Legends. These are by far the best MMORPGs ever! Beware though, they are quite addictive!


Well, I recommend League of Legends, it's a fun and skillful MMORPG. Multiplayer, ranking system, levels, new characters. Skins to customize your character and MORE!

ray king

I recommend Dota 2 and League of Legends. Checkout the trailer to see if its the type of game you play. Starcraft Universe is something I haven't tried yet, but you can look into it if you like sci-fi



If you like Chinese like MMORPGS you could check out Swordsmen. I've played it a little, but because I didn't have time I quit playing it. It's a fun game to play and you can choose 5 or 6 different classes (or even more?). The gameplay is smooth and the story is also very good if you follow it. I also like the beautiful graphics in the environment and in the combat.