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NASCAR 14 NASCAR not coming to PS4 and XB1

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Ghost Rider

I've heard that NASCAR 2014 would be coming out for the current gen consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360) but not the next gen consoles (PS4 and XB1). The developers say that they would lose money if they would develop the game for next gen consoles because of the small user base. What's your take on this? If developers won't make games for the next gen consoles, how will the sales of the PS4 and Xbox One increase?

Ghost Rider

Haha. Well, I never liked NASCAR before either. However, the point is, gamers owning next gen consoles have slim picks since not a lot of developers are willing to go the next gen route yet. Developers are still playing it wise and safe.


Games were still made all the way until 2012 for the PS2. That's exactly what will happen with the older consoles for now.


New Member
They will eventually develop for next gen but not right off the bat. They usually wait until sales on the last console dwindle down which is why the Ps2 lasted so long. I think this gen could last even longer than the Ps2 did with new releases. You will most likely see next gen releases even being just ports on the older console like AC4.


It's not a massive loss or a massive worry. And honestly this is great news for those who aren't exactly eager to jump to the next stage because - consoles are costly dude.
I mean that is great news for me, because I have yet to update my consoles. I mean it really doesn't make a difference in my opinion. I think the current gen systems are just fine to have NASCAR.
I don't like the series Nascar and I am glad they are stopping at the Xbox 360 and Ps3. The series is very dry and old and they should not move it to newer consoles.


That is so sad. I guess we will just have to use our PCs then to play these games that are not coming too consoles.


I don't know how they could lose money doing this. When PS4 releases there will be high demand for games for that console.


Well-Known Member
I think it will just take a bit of time for the new console market to pick up. I don't know how it compares to the PS3 and 360 generation, exactly, but I imagine it was a similar slow progression as well.


I hope they do release them for next gen consoles. If they do, sales will definetly be good. Many people will buy it.


New Member
I am not really sure about this, Gamestop has it for PS3, why not for PS4? Was this a random rumor that started at the first of the year to see how people would react to it for a better estimated of how many gamers were interested in it?


New Member
See I don't get that at all. I know plenty of gamers who like NASCAR, why are they not part of the user-base? Just about everyone I know that games has heard of the game and I would guess by a poll at least 15 of my friends both online and offline would play it.


I heard about this a while back. I thought it was pretty strange that the game is only going to be released for last gene reaction consoles and not for the new PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.


I agree with them, they wouldn't sell that much in the new generation of consoles so it wouldn't be profitable at all. It's a safe economical choice.


Honestly I don't think that I have ever had that much fun playing a NASCAR driving game. Normally those types of games seem really boring to me. I love watching NASCAR on the television but to say that I would have fun playing it as a video game I have yet to. I don't think that the game not coming out on the next gen consoles would be that big of a deal because I think that most people who had Xbox 360 and ps3's before the new consoles would still have the older consoles which would enable them to still be able to get the game.


New Member
I don't think the game has a large enough following to make it big. The game lacks fun and the most basic level for a lot of people. It's all about how well it sells. Things that do well get repeated. That's not the case for Nascar.


Well yeah I expected that, because I agree they would not make that much money. I know many that play racing games, but not much anymore. I still play depending on the game and if it has a story or not. I don't think they would make that much money from it in all honesty.