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Multiplayer wishlist for GTA V

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Mr. Bellic

New Member
Feel free to list your wishes for Grand Theft Auto V. I have a lot of wishes that I really hope Rockstar has added. First and foremost I want there to be a cops and robbers type mode. I see heist are a major portion of the game, so a cops and robbers mode would be so cool. Also I'd like to see racing with planes, cars, and any other vehicle in the game. I can see bicycle's being included in this as well. I'd like to see the marathon added. I remember you could do a marathon in SA where you swam, rode a bike, jogged and so on. Would be cool to see that included as a MP mode.

What do you guys want to see in MP?


New Member
Agreeing with you that racing with planes are one of the highlights as for now.
The regular/generic multiplayer modes will probably make a return, such as:
  • Free Mode
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Race iGTA5
  • GTA Race


New Member
I want to see some cool game modes announced soon. Seeing as there's jets in the game, it would be cool to see a deathmatch with jets only mode. Same with helicopters. I want this game chock full of fun and interesting game modes. I like the idea for Cops and Robbers. Also a sports mode where you can play the various sports in the game, like golf. I'm sure there's other sports in the game as well, so I can't wait to see what they're going to offer.

When exactly is this mp reveal supposed to be?


New Member
I just want it to run smoothly. I have never had a good experience when playing any of the games online. I hope GTAV has a good online. I dont care about the games, I just want it to play like some of the other online games I am used to.


New Member
I think a co-op story would be cool, where you can play as one of the 3 guys and then have 2 team mates. Or DM would be cool.

Free Roam destruction would be cool too :p