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Active Member
Ok so if you chose option C for the last mission you will have no doubt played the Mrs Philips side mission right? Well I read something earlier that made me think about this mission and I'd like some thoughts on it.

There are suggestions that Trevor's mum doesn't exist at all and that it was all a drunk/drug induced hallucination, hence why the reason she is not there when Trevor returns with the van. Or she does exist and that she chose to leave before he returned? What do you think?

And also, did anyone else feel sort of sorry for Trevor when he realises she is gone and curls up on the floor crying? That scene kinda hit me hard.


Active Member
I felt a little bit bad about Trevor as well but he's a tough cookie, he'll get over it! :p As for the hallucination.. you bring up a pretty good point. It's debatable actually, not really know what to say. I like to believe that his mum exists! :p


Active Member
I'd like to think she exists too but then I think about the scene immediately after you switch to Trevor where you see him doing meth and it does make me question about the hallucination theory.


I was under the impression that she does exist. Though, at the same time Trevor has these hallucinations which deters his judgement. Though, I like how they make his character more than just a random crazy person.


Active Member
I was under the impression that she does exist. Though, at the same time Trevor has these hallucinations which deters his judgement. Though, I like how they make his character more than just a random crazy person.

I think when Rockstar were marketing the game they said Trevor is a representation of every crazy GTA player out there so it kinda fits, but I do like how they gave him a background and a story.


I think the fact that Trevor is the way he is proves that Mrs. Phillips exists. If he had a nice , normal mom or even no mom, he would be a different guy.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in this theory but I think it's interesting. I did feel sad for Trevor at the end and for someone who doesn't care that much for storylines I liked this one so I think they did a very good job with it.


New Member
I love Trevor. I think he's the most complex out of the three and he really is a huge baby. The scene with his mother nearly made me cry. It's strange how he's introduce literally by scraping some guy's brain off his boot and I care for him like an injured baby animal lol.