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Most Frustrating Mission?

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I don't remember what the mission is called or how far it is into the game, but the one I found the most frustrating it one where you end up chasing someone who is in a boat and I believe you're riding a dirt bike alongside on the beach. At one point you have to jump off this ramp and land in a helicopter that Jacob and Roman are operating. I remember dying and crashing. A lot!

That is exactly the one I was about to say. Though, I don't remember what it was called, I believe it was one of the last missions. It's also the same for me that I suffered many deaths during that mission.


I don't mind any of the missions. They are there to be beaten so i do my best until i do. The chase missions were a pain at first until you got used to the controls for cars.


New Member
I'm going to have to agree with the people saying that the racing missions were the worst. In GTA IV the driving was really janky and the cars didn't handle all that well. Half the time the racing missions just felt like getting into first as soon as possible and just ramming anyone of the bots who were audacious enough to try and pass me.


New Member
That jump on the beach during the final mission wasted me so many goddamn times I lost count. I don't know if the bike mechanics were more realistic in iV or just completely borked, but they killed me so many times.


There were technically harder mission later on but the one I had the most trouble with was the mission where you first fly the helicopter, with Little Jacob trying to shoot down a target helicopter with an RPG. It required some pretty precise maneuvering and I just could not control that damn helicopter worth a damn.


There were technically harder mission later on but the one I had the most trouble with was the mission where you first fly the helicopter, with Little Jacob trying to shoot down a target helicopter with an RPG. It required some pretty precise maneuvering and I just could not control that damn helicopter worth a damn.
That one is pretty darn annoying


That one is pretty darn annoying
Yeah it was. Little Jacob really got on my nerves there. He would take forever to aim, then kept missing with the damn RPG and shouting on me to change the altitude. I've failed that mission so many times.


zero mission in SA is the most frustrating mission GTA. I completed this level in 4 days. It was much boring and I never enjoyed playing it. Many times I threw my controller away due to frustration.


The GTA IV mission that was most frustrating to me has to be Ruff Rider but that is because I'm really bad at driving motorcycles.