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More online features

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Active Member
What would you like to see being added to the online mode? GTA V is pretty detailed and has a lot of things, so there aren't a lot of things missing.


Active Member
Is there a mode where you can perform stunts in a set area and get points based on air time and rotations, ect?

I think this would be a pretty cool mode to add, if it's not there already.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see more crazy missions. I'm seeing a lot of youtube videos where people set up small challenges they just do for the fun of it and i think a lot of these would work as missions.
I'm not sure exactly what they could add, but I feel like we neec more things to do when we're not in a mission. I love the game, but sometimes I run out of things to do when I'm in the open world.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure exactly what they could add, but I feel like we neec more things to do when we're not in a mission. I love the game, but sometimes I run out of things to do when I'm in the open world.
Mini missions in between major ones sounds like a great idea. It would be great to be able to rack up points in between finding things to do.


Active Member
Mini missions in between major ones sounds like a great idea. It would be great to be able to rack up points in between finding things to do.

Does the online mode have random events that happen like in the single player mode? It would be pretty disappointing if it didn't.
No, it has nothing exactly like the random events in single player. So far the only thing you can get are assignments to destroy a certain vehicle.