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New Member
every one i have certian question regarding mobile game development can any one clear my boubts.
1)Is mobile game devlopment profitable.
2)Estimated how is the mobile game development industry in india.
3)whats the total mobile gamming market in indian money(.i.e whats the total value of mobile gamming market in india and across the world in indian rupees).
4)Do companies bye game's from individuals or developers like us who are ammeture in the market.
Unfortunately since I haven't lived in India before I can only answer two of your doubts but, 1) Mobile game development has potential, but you may crash and burn. However, looking at games like Candy Crush and Angry Birds, the secret seems to be to make it as mindless yet catchy as possible. 4) Many indie companies are always open to new apps and games from individuals who are new to the market, it all depends on your sale pitch!


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you make the game great then it will garner attention, both from consumers and big companies alike. As for monetization, you'd have to be a little more tactical about it because people aren't that much willing to part with their money, but they will do it if you make it worth their expense.


Mobile games are extremely profitable and here's why. The trend of mobile apps that are "free" or costs as little as a dollar, is getting higher and higher. Apps take virtually no money at all to make but a lot of time which is not that valuable if you're not on a deadline. Apps like Flappy Bird, and I'm not trying to be mean, are not that greatly made yet it was on the top chart for weeks, making up to 40K dollars a day. Apps are profitable, however don't license under a developer. Be independent and make your own license and copyright it. Good luck.

Ghost Rider

Unfortunately, you have posted this thread in the wrong subforum. Could the mods kindly move this thread please?

In answer to your question, yes, mobile game development can be profitable. It doesn't matter where you are since you will be uploading your game to the Play Store for instance. It would be available to everybody on this planet. How much you earn depends on the popularity of your game. The more downloads your game has, the more profitable it is.


It definitely is profitable. Why else would the be so many developers on mobile right now? It doesn't cost much to make a game, but your game can easily be profitable if its downloaded a lot.


Well-Known Member
It definitely is profitable. Why else would the be so many developers on mobile right now? It doesn't cost much to make a game, but your game can easily be profitable if its downloaded a lot.
Agreed. The most it can take is time and resources but after that you don't have to worry about reproduction and distribution since it's all done digitally.
Mobile apps make their money by charging the users sometimes for the content, and the main way is through advertisements. Like most people said, it can be good or bad, either way. If you're popular, you make a lot of money. Games like Angry Birds are ALWAYS popular, so they'll always have revenue.


Well-Known Member
Mobile games are extremely profitable and here's why. The trend of mobile apps that are "free" or costs as little as a dollar, is getting higher and higher. Apps take virtually no money at all to make but a lot of time which is not that valuable if you're not on a deadline. Apps like Flappy Bird, and I'm not trying to be mean, are not that greatly made yet it was on the top chart for weeks, making up to 40K dollars a day. Apps are profitable, however don't license under a developer. Be independent and make your own license and copyright it. Good luck.
Yeah it is a very new trend to give your game for free and when you look at the developers that succeed with this system you'd find out why they chose to do so. It's just much easier to reach a mass audience if they know they don't have to pay for it.
Yeah it is a very new trend to give your game for free and when you look at the developers that succeed with this system you'd find out why they chose to do so. It's just much easier to reach a mass audience if they know they don't have to pay for it.

Exactly! But if they're watching ads, that's how they're "paying" for the app!


Man, I'm sure that marketing a new app has to be one of the most agonizing thing these days. Cause if your in your own niche then its dead air and when your not then its too competitive. So how people market their games probably takes a whole bunch of money before it catches on.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm sure that marketing a new app has to be one of the most agonizing thing these days. Cause if your in your own niche then its dead air and when your not then its too competitive. So how people market their games probably takes a whole bunch of money before it catches on.

I agree. If you don't have money for marketing then you really have to create something so unique that people will feel compelled to talk about it and pass it along but otherwise if it's just a good version of all other games then you will probably have a hard time getting through.


Well when I first opened the thread I thought to myself the profits are going to have to be huge, just given how popular they seem to be, but the more I read the more I started to think about some of those points. Between free ones and development and certain costs associated with those, it might not really be as much as I thought, at first anyways. Very interesting though, and thanks for sharing.


If you are able to come up with a certain mobile game, definitely there is some profit associated with it. It is just likewriting a book, as long as what you are developing with sink into many people's mind, i.e., it must be a good stuff.


I think it's all about how well made the game. A game is not a game if it doesn't have an origin, a good story and well thought characters.

Every body wants a good game nowadays and with the competition in gaming development one should have a great game to make a profit out of it.