Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Media: MXGP2 - Career Mode - First Look (Part 1)

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Career mode in racing. Not to sound like a downer, but that's pretty much me, and I really have to ask... would it be just one race after another, while your enemy AI racers get faster and faster? I think adventure modes in racing games in general are pretty lackluster, simply because it's just going to be one race after another, with you getting money or upgrades or a new vehicle choice after you win some. That's basically it, and I really don't think video game companies can add anymore, because there's a ceiling to these kinds of games.


Active Member
I haven't got around to trying the MXGP2 career mode but I don't have high hopes for it, there not a lot you can add to a dirt racing career mode except a storyline which I doubt they invested time in.