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Mario Kart Overrated?

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Active Member
Mario Kart is definitely a game that is best played with other human beings rather than solely against CPUs. That doesn't make the game overrated, though.


I wouldn't call them overrated. It's just I don't really enjoy them unless I have friends in the same room as me. It's just not as fun when playing alone but I think that goes for all kart racers.
Mario Kart is an overrated game in my opinion. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that I never really got into it. I like slightly more realistic racing games, but that might just be me. Sure it can be fun to play with friends, but I just think people think way to highly of it. I know a few people who haven't even played another Nintendo game, but have played Mario Kart.
I don't think it's overrated. Mario Kart is a fantastic and fantastically-fun game, especially if you play with friends. Now, I say this a lot, but my favorite memories ever with a handheld device was playing Mario Kart DS with my friends who didn't own MK DS through Nintendo's feature where only one in a group of friends needed to own a game in order to be able to play it.

It was fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Mario Kart is definitely a game that is best played with other human beings rather than solely against CPUs. That doesn't make the game overrated, though.
I agree. I think multiplayer in these Nintendo games is just as fun as everyone says it is. I myself was skeptical at first because I'm a bit apprehensive when it comes to cute games but after I get over the cute designs I realize the gameplay is very complex and well worth the money.

Ghost Rider

Let me first ask you a question - what Kart game do you think is better than Mario Kart? Can't think of one? I thought so. Because Mario Kart is the king in its genre. It is the best at what it does. Therefore, it deserves all the praise that it has received and all the high ratings that critics have given. It's a good single player game but it's far more awesome as a multilayer game.


New Member
I completely disagree; I think Mario Kart is one of the most fun Nintendo series out there right now (next to Mario Party 8)! There are so many different types of game modes (solo matches, team matches, online matches, multiplayer etc.), unlockable characters, and maps! Plus, there are not that many racing games out there which allow gamers to pick up and use items as weapons against others; in a certain sense I think this makes the game super fun as well.


New Member
Mario Kart is one of the few games that I think consistently lives up to the hype surrounding it. It might be frustrating at times, and it's certainly more fun with friends, but overall, the series always delivers with consistent, high-quality, fun, and unique games that tend to last for quite a while. I would say it's always well worth the price, and the feature-rich DLC that is coming seems to reinforce this. I've never really been disappointed by a Mario Kart game as a whole. Even if I do think that some are better than others, I think that even the "worst" Mario Kart games can easily be played for a long time without disappointment.

I totally agree with you! At first I was worried about whether Mario Kart 8 would live up to it's expectations, but after the DLC came out and I saw Link, I was instantly impressed! (Not to mention the gameplay is also fabulous). :)


New Member
I don't think its overrated. There are some updates here and there that may increase or decrease the standards of Mario Kart but due to the recently new games coming out, as mentioned in the post above, I think they deserve the credit for being awesome.


Mario Kart is is one of the best games, It has really lived up to my expectations. I hope they will release a new Mario Kart soon.


If you call mario kart overrated, no problem, though I find it really enjoyable and actually totally not overrated. Indeed, it's way more fun with friends, though it's also pretty nice when soloing the game, I can tell you that.

Especially Mario Kart 8 isn't overrated, it looks really nice, has great music and great tracks, how can you complain about that? And even better, it has great additions to the racing like gliding through the air or driving underwater.