Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Mac or PC?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I was a pc for a very long time. Now I am a proud MAC. Once you go MAC you don't go back. I really enjoy my virus free life now.... really I do!


I have a pc now but l'm saving for a mac, hopefully at the end of the year l can buy one. My friend likes to make music on his mac which is perfect for him, l'm more intrested in being able to do things like creating magazines and such.
I've always used PC. I'm too used to the interface to switch to a Mac. The occasional problems with viruses, spyware, and Windows itself are annoying, but I can live with it.


Active Member
Oh, you have no idea the sh*tstorm you just unleashed. Just wait for the elitist posters to show up and bash Apple. It happens every time.


Usually the people that bash apple, well..... can't afford them...

Well, I appreciate your thinking but I don't find it 100% true. Apple sometimes Lack quality as compare to PC. I use an Alienware Gaming Laptop worth $2500 itself and it is thrice the price of a Apple's Mac.


I have a PC, I've tried the whole Apple/Mac thing but never got into them. I also don't get how everyone goes on about PCs getting viruses, am I the only one who doesn't download dodgy stuff? I will admit from a UI standpoint unless you mod it up the Mac iOS looks a lot nicer and physically too they're much more aesthetically pleasing unless you've got a custom PC.


I have a PC, I've tried the whole Apple/Mac thing but never got into them. I also don't get how everyone goes on about PCs getting viruses, am I the only one who doesn't download dodgy stuff? I will admit from a UI standpoint unless you mod it up the Mac iOS looks a lot nicer and physically too they're much more aesthetically pleasing unless you've got a custom PC.
Looks can be deceiving. Sometimes the stuff that looks legit has a virus attached to it. I mostly download music and very seldom a program I might need but just today, I did a scan and it alerted me that there was a malicious program that found it's way into my computer. It was quarantined and removed but it's always a good idea and the smart thing to do to run a scan and check for malware and viruses and so on. I do so every few days just to be certain.

Racer X

Lol @ "once you go Mac you never go back." I hear that, haha.

Many of my family members, myself included, use Apple products. But I'm a PC guy and I probably always will be.


Active Member
I also don't get how everyone goes on about PCs getting viruses, am I the only one who doesn't download dodgy stuff?

Maybe, and I'm just throwing ideas here, your AntiVirus isn't that good at detecting stuff? You don't always have to specifically download stuff to get malware. It's sometimes enough to visit a site running an exploit that your browser (say, Internet Explorer) didn't patch.

On the other hand, if you're running something like Chrome or Firefox and you make sure to keep your OS, AV and browsers updated, you're fine.


Well, I appreciate your thinking but I don't find it 100% true. Apple sometimes Lack quality as compare to PC. I use an Alienware Gaming Laptop worth $2500 itself and it is thrice the price of a Apple's Mac.

Not true....Not only are Mac superior quality, Apple totally stands behind their product and I have proof! They replaced my 3 year old macbook air, and I didn't even have to raise my voice. It was their suggestion..... Imagine a any pc company doing that. Well, they just won't.
Macs can get viruses just like PCs. It's a myth that they can't, as any OS can get viruses.

PC all the way - just compare Steam on PC to Steam on Mac... it's hilarious.


New Member
PC for me.
I switched to MAC 9 years ago..... no viruses yet..... must be a coincidence.

Yes, viruses on Mac's are rare but they do occur. I hate it when people say Mac's can't get viruses at all. One of the reasons they don't get them is because very few are programmed for Mac and most target Windows. I'm more of a PC person myself.


Well, I have a kid who downloads EVERYTHING she sees. She blewout every windows machine I had. I was getting a new computer like every 4-6 months! Not anymore. No blowouts yet.... :)


New Member
I've always used PC. My friend has a Mac and for the fun of it I wanted to use her laptop to try it out. Yuck! I didn't like it at all. I was a bit confused with the whole thing. Of course every computer can get a virus. I just didn't really like the whole overall appearance of the Mac, so that's a reason why I choose PC. I'm used to it, it's simple and I like the way it looks better. We all have our own preferences, that is mine.


I've always used PC. My friend has a Mac and for the fun of it I wanted to use her laptop to try it out. Yuck! I didn't like it at all. I was a bit confused with the whole thing. Of course every computer can get a virus. I just didn't really like the whole overall appearance of the Mac, so that's a reason why I choose PC. I'm used to it, it's simple and I like the way it looks better. We all have our own preferences, that is mine.

It just takes a day or 2 to get used to it thats all.
It sounds like you should teach your kid how to use the Internet responsibly, install AdBlock, put a password on downloads, etc.

Don't blame the computer for the problems your child causes!
I like PC since Mac has too many extra features for me. Since I'm someone who loves discovering new MMORPGs and a lot of them aren't Mac friendly.