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Like it or hate it?

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For me I am not sure if I like mobile gaming much. I do enjoy playing a gameboy and a 3DS and all that, but mobile phones and gaming really don't mix imo. I prefer a console to anything really, but if I have to play on a handheld anything, it'll be a classic gameboy, gb advace, or DS.


New Member
I must admit, I really do struggle to see mobile gaming as competition to console or PC gaming. I see it more as an alternative. It's almost like comparing a physical letter to a text message. Both are useful, but for different situations.


I see mobile gaming as something to pass the time. I'm rarely sitting down on a phone or tablet playing a game, unless you count the first time I ever played on one. That's all I did. But yeah, I see mobile gaming as passing time, there's good games though, I'm sure of it.


New Member
Personally, I really enjoy tower defence games on mobile devices. I think that the physical act of using a touchscreen adds to the gaming experience. Balloon Defence 5 is great, along with the game TowerDefence.


Active Member
Mobile devices resurrected the classic logic and puzzle games and even reinvented some of them. Very entertaining for those that don't have too much time to spare or don't feel like tackling some of the more complex games. But as these gadgets evolve, the users will demand more and there's always someone to deliver. Then we'll have a serious game changer on our hands.


I prefer a console over mobile phones or tablets for playing games. Hand held consoles provide excellent gaming experience and thus it brings us lots of fun.


I agree that the mobile games do not hold a candle to console games. I like playing with friends and smaller is not better compared to a hand held consoles. Phones and tablet are good for what they are good for and I don't see it as a gaming experience to talk about.

mike mike

New Member
I really hate mobile gaming, its so annoying. The whole iPhone games doesn't really help with anything at all. I like how we can actually play games, but all the games are bad. I would like playing mobile games on phones that are tablet like phones. I really hate playing mobile games on phones with small screen, even if it was touch!


I don't even have a mobile phone. I don't like that all the people run against each other on the streets because they always look at their tiny little screens.


New Member
I love mobile games. They keep my entertained when I am on the go. I HATE playing while I currently have a broken iphone 5 screen. @rossonomous can you elaborate on what you are talking about with you comment? I don't get what you are saying.


Active Member
He's probably talking about mobile phones. A 7-inch tablet is a decent size in my opinion. A 10-inch one is even better.


I've never got into mobile games, I hate having to tilt the phone which is what most mobile games seem to revolve around. When I'm out and about I don't want to sit down and concentrate playing a game, I can dedicate time to that later when I'm home.

Racer X

Hate's a strong word, but I'd have to agree that mobile gaming just doesn't pack the same punch as console or even portable gaming. I've played a couple games but I never developed much interest.


I love mobile games. They keep my entertained when I am on the go. I HATE playing while I currently have a broken iphone 5 screen. @rossonomous can you elaborate on what you are talking about with you comment? I don't get what you are saying.
For me, when I'm either console or PC gaming I have a big screen in front of me with surround sound headphones in. The big screen provides fantastic picture quality making the game more life like and immersing and the surround sound puts me right into the action.

You just can't get in this same gaming zone when playing on something that is basically the aside of your hand. For small games like Candy Crush, a phone is just fine. For 'real' gaming, phones are a no no.


I like it. Mobile games keep me entertained whenever i'm outside and need to kill time. I'm over the stage of hauling around a DS or PSP. Playing apps on my phone just cuts down on the things I need to bring.


Well-Known Member
I like playing mobile games when it is obviously the best platform for the particular game. I think this is evidenced by how successful Angry Birds and Temple Run are. The mobile games I don't like are the ones that require onscreen direction pads and buttons, in which case, it just makes me think to myself as to why put it into the mobile market in the first place, but I do realize that it's probably a lot easier than getting Sony to sell the games.


I think mobile gaming is great on the go whenever you have unexpected free time but nothing compares to an actual console. Consoles were made for gaming and I don't see anything competing with that. PC gaming is great also but it stills doesn't compare in my opinion.

Ghost Rider

How could you ever hate gaming on the go? Mobile gaming makes things simple and accessible in order for us to be able to play at any time and anywhere. Mobile gaming can never replace console gaming - that's a fact. The difference in the hardware is huge. But if mobile gaming is taken in its own context alone, there's so much to love about it.