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Leisure Suite Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Ghost Rider

Yes, I admit, I played Leisure Suite Larry: Magna cum Laude and I enjoyed most of it. Haha! It was a game that I didn't want the other members of the family know that I was playing. I kept it from them. As you know, it's not a game for the whole family anyway. Haha!

Have you tried playing this game before?


Well-Known Member
I played this too! Me and my friends were pretty amused by it, but you are right, it's not something I'd play in front of my family as well. It's a very odd game, but I think it's very well made at least and it was very amusing.


I wasn't interested in Leisure Suit Larry at the time that it came out, because it got mixed reviews. But the videos I've seen of people playing it on Youtube kind of look fun, so I might play it if I could pick up used for cheap.


I worked at Hollywood Video and I saw the shame when boys would bring it up to the counter. They were so embarrassed, but I totally wanted to play it! The girls on the cover were enticing!


That was a crazy game. Did you ever see the music video they showed on MTV with Leisure Suit Larry?
