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Just Cause 1: Not That Good!

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Active Member
The original Just Cause suffered from some technical glitches, and the mechanics weren't fully fleshed out at the time, so the game wasn't exactly that great. You could see and feel the potential, which translated into Just Cause 2, which was leagues above its predecessor.


Active Member
Definitely agree, though I didn't feel it was as bad as people make it out to be. Just Cause 1 was decent, and Just Cause 2 is everything Just Cause 1 wasn't, which is a good sign.


Active Member
I didn't hate JC1, and you're right about JC2 being what JC1 wasn't but should have been. It gets a little bit more hate than it deserves, for sure.


JC1 was fun but it really lacked a lot of things that would've made it a much better game. The technical glitches ruined the experience. JC2 did an incredible job improving everything and delivering what JC1 promised but never could deliver. I love both games but 2 is a much better game.


Active Member
Exactly. It was an all right game, but Just Cause 2 is where the original game's potential was realized in a playable game. That's the best way to describe it.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen the first one but seeing as they are doing great now I think it is commendable what they did to fix their mistakes with the second one as it seems to have gained them a lot of fans.
I have some nostalgia towards Just Cause 1, since I remember my brother playing it and me watching, intrigued by the open world and weird new abilities. For the first time, I was able to feel like James Bond or Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible. The second one is definitely better, but the first was the start of the series for me, as I know lots of other people started with 2.