Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
What is the best job that you have ever had? How long have you worked there? Do you still work there?
I've worked for an amusement park, but I kind of left that because so many guests were being really uncooperative. Working in retail now, but there's still some bad customers, but I guess alright. I don't really mind, as long as I get a good amount of pay and the work isn't too hard.


New Member
I have also had some oddjobs, one of them was a full time job for one and a half months and seconds was a part time gig. However, now I am starting a new full time job next monday. I have graduated from high school but going to apply for college next year since I am tired of doing these odd jobs which doesn't pay properly.


The best job I have ever had was working at a summer camp. I only had it for the 3 months that I worked at the summer camp. the pay was great the kids were great and it was really a good time.


I'm currently still studying so I didn't have any long term jobs. The best job I had this far was working with computer in a company, because I'm studying computer science and this is what I want to do in my life. I've worked there for two months and I enjoyed every second of it, it never got boring.


New Member
I just started new full time job this week. It is in the food industry, pay is quite good in my opinion but it is mostly repeating same process from day to another so not very exciting.


I work the 11pm-7am shift as a maintenance man at a hotel. There is absolutely nothing you have to do. I take naps. I browse the internet. Read books. It's a pretty comfy job that pays well for a college student. The reason I don't have to do anything is because after 1am all the guests are asleep and the worst thing that could happen is the copier at the front desk is out of ink.
Probably a sales job with a well known firm. It's my current job. It's a bit boring as it's done through the telephone. But it pays pretty well and doesn't require a lot of hard labor. I can't really complain about it at this point.


New Member
The best job I had was at this makeup giant called Sephora as a beauty educator. It was an awesome job where I got to travel around and got free branded makeup pretty much all the time. I had to leave that job because I moved out of the country. :(


New Member
I went to school for computer animation and my dream has and will always be to have my own studio to produce anything you see on a screen.


New Member
I remember I was quite happy when I was working in a video store. I could watch all the movies I wanted, play all the games I wanted and eat all the popcorn I wanted. I worked there for about 18 months - then the owner sold it and paradise was lost for me.


New Member
I don't have really a formal job right now because I'm still a student. But the best job that I have made is online job. I'm currently working online to sustain my school miscellaneous and fees. Thanks to this I can help my parents. It's the best job because I can work at home or in the dormitory.


Not really a stable job but I do teporary jobs like registering voters, teaching, a bit of sports betting and online stuff. It is very hard to secure a permanent job in our locality here.


I don't have really a formal job right now because I'm still a student. But the best job that I have made is online job. I'm currently working online to sustain my school miscellaneous and fees. Thanks to this I can help my parents. It's the best job because I can work at home or in the dormitory.
I really encourage you to look for some money that way. I remember when I was in college I used to do a lot of online academic writing, and through that I was able to pay my college fees without any big issue.


I had design jobs in past. And also did some odd jobs of data entry. And after that some consistent work. I hope to retain that for some period. And hopefully things change in nearest time to come. I'd hope that to work in my favor.


New Member
I really encourage you to look for some money that way. I remember when I was in college I used to do a lot of online academic writing, and through that I was able to pay my college fees without any big issue.
Was the writing something the college offered or something you had to find on your own?