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JC2's Grappling Hook As A GTA V Mod

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Active Member
I don't think the full potential of the mod is shown in this video, but there are some hilarious moments nonetheless.


Active Member
That is a beautiful mod.

Makes me wanna get it on PC just for the mod alone. Oh the fun I would have with it.


New Member
The best things about games from the GTA series are the mods that the fans make. Some are really fun and inventive like this grappling hook. The sad thing is game makers are neglecting more and more fan communities, which is wrong, because mods like these increase the game's replay-ability, making it more attractive to players that haven't tried it yet. Anyway, that's another story...the grappling hook is cool though :D.


Active Member
Well, I wouldn't call taking a concept from another game and sticking it in GTA V as a mod very clever. It's cool, but it's just transplanting one feature from one game into another game that lacked the feature. That definitely shows the power of mods, though.


Active Member
Rockstar's handling of mods for GTA V has been a little rocky, sure, but the company has kept to its word in allowing single player mods. On a related note, I like that Just Cause games have never needed tons of mods because the games already contain some pretty crazy, awesome stuff.


Active Member
It sounds like they got a team together around a table to discuss the most craziest things they could add into the game!

This mod reminds me a lot of the gravity gun mod from GTA IV but modified with different characteristics and a grapple line texture added.


Active Member
YES YES YES! OMG this is something that I wish was implemented in GTA V. The grappling hook is so cool and so satisfying when it actually hits its target, love this one!


I'm definitely going to install this mod. The grappling hook of Just Cause is one the most amazing and fun things to do in a video game, I just never get tired of it. Just Cause 2 is fun but the graphics feel a bit dated and the game stops being fun after a few hundred hours. This mod gives us a whole new world to explore.


This would be perfect for online play as free roam seems to be someone gunning for you every second. Quick getaway. Also if you improved the range, latching onto a buzzard or hydra.