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New Member
I'm not really a fan of the over head camera display so I'm not really sure if I wanted to play this game. Among all the GTA games I think this one is the only version that I never played. So is this game a must have or just okay to pass?


New Member
I really did not enjoy the game at all. I was getting a headache just playing this game. I just hope one day they remake this game into a normal GTA playing style.
I liked this game a lot as well. If you expect it to be a handheld version of the 3D games you're going to be disappointed though. I used to play GTA2 back in the day, so the top-down view isn't so foreign to me. The story wasn't great, but it was enough to keep the game fun.


Depends, if you're playing GTA games on a modern day smartphone, you might as well go grab San Andreas or Vice City if you're into the fullblown 3D worlds. If you have a Nintendo DS or PSP, grab this and see how you like it. It just might tickle your fancy.


New Member
It's ok to pass if you really don't want to play it (it's not an essential GTA game in my opinion), however it is extremely fun to play in your free time on the move.


New Member
I actually own the Nintendo DS version of China Wars, but it depends if you are a fan of GTA with the top-down camera style. I personally do enjoy it, but compared to the other GTA games, it is in my opinion, average.


New Member
Personally, i do not like this game, the over head camera is giving me headache but it's just me.

Paul Swedjen

New Member
GTA Chinatown Wars is one of the best selling games on both the PSP and the Nintendo DS. Granted, even GTA veterans who grew up on GTA I and GTA II find this game immensely different from the core franchise, but trust me on this one: if you take some time out to play this game, I am almost completely sure that you will love this game. There are lots of missions to do, lots of mini-games to find and complete, and the little details in the game will have you finding something new to enjoy possibly even halfway through a second play-through. Even now, I pick this game up from time to time to play the drug dealing mini-game, one of the most fun things I have ever played.​


New Member
It's one of the lamer ones, but GTA is still GTA. It's fun if you don't really have much to do at the time or if you're away, since the game is on mobile devices. The gameplay isn't great, but it's always fun to just mess around in it.
I agree with some people here who say that it's lamer. Not really something that I'd go for personally. It just doesn't really seem like it's anything fun and special. Just a plain old average GTA game. Nothing really good to it.


I loved it. If you feel comfortable playing games on your mobile device, then pick it up, the game was made from scratch to portable devices and it's really one of the best if not the best portable game.
There are a lot of mixed reactions regarding this game. But for me, it's okay to play this game. I kind of liked it, there are other GTA games that are worth it than this one.


All GTA games have almost similar concepts so if you loved their other games then you should love this one. However... People are different. You love the game.


New Member
You are bound to get some mixed reviews with things like this, but I will also say it is not really my first choice, or second. It is worth a chance though and it might appeal to you.