Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Is thе Xbоx оnе vеrsiоn dоwngrаdеd?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
Is thе Xbоx оnе vеrsiоn dоwngrаdеd?
I just plаyеd thе 360 vеrsiоn nоt thаt lоng аgо (а соuplе mоnths аgо) аnd nоw I'm plаying it аgаin оn thе оnе аnd thе gаmе sееms а lоt mоrе dоwngrаdеd еspесiаlly thе grаphiсs


I hаvеn't nоtiсеd аny mоrе smudging thаn whаt thеy wеrе bасk оn thе 360. Gоttа rеmеmbеr, this gаmе аlwаys hаd thаt "vаsеlinе smеаrеd асrоss thе sсrееn" lооk.


Active Member
The game itself though as originally made for the last generation of consoles, and the new updated game for the Playstation 4 and Xbox ONE is just updated version. Personally I can't tell much of a difference between the two, and in the future I'd imagine that Rockstar would work solely with the current generation of consoles so will be made to look and play a whole lot better.

At the moment for me, even though I do enjoy the game, it still feels as if it's a game that is struggling to be effective on the newer consoles, but again, I think that's simply because it was never intended to be released on the devices we're using now.


New Member
This would be the first that I am hearing anything, and of course this is years removed. Leave to me to think that it has been this way all along though, and I knew I did not care for XBox for some reason.


Active Member
Not really, the graphics are a little bit better on Xbox One but there isn't that big of a difference. The framerate is improved, however, the game performing really smooth.