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Is music important in a racing game?

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The answer should be no. But, I'd be lying if I said it didn't. Even if I like the game's soundtrack I'll put in my earbuds and play my favorite songs to focus too. Music just helps me get through difficult areas in games.


It really depends on the game...
Music is important for real life driving, period. That's why we're having this debate...
But no music on a Formula 1 game isn't the end of the world... If I'm driving muscle cars though, you better choose them tunes wisely.


Definitely yes! Music gets me into a certain vibe that often makes me play much better. when I don't have music on I always feel like I'm focussing way too much, causing stress and worse performance. Normally you'd say more concentration is better but I guess that's not true. The music should not be too loud though, that's just distracting


Active Member
Some of my favorite songs of all time were in Need For Speed Underground. Not jut the fast-paced ones during racing, but also the catchy rap songs as you were customizing your car really helped to set the mood.

Among them, I would definitely recommend:

Two Lane Blacktop - Rob Zombie
BT - Kimosabe
Born Too Slow - The Crystal Method
Get Low - Lil jon
Yeah, I think music is important in any game, but much more so in racing games. Racing is amazing, but without music some races can get pretty dull. An interesting thing is that I drive depending on the music I'm listening to. If it's a laid back techno I drive calmly and fast, but if I listen to fast rock I start driving very recklessly.
Music is very important. For example, the radio in GTA 5 really upped my experience playing with it. I enjoyed it a lot more than if it had bad music or no music.


New Member
First of all it depends on what type of music. I don't mind driving without it, as long there are sound effects I'm good to go. The answer to your question, music is not that important for me while playing a racing game.


It really is, the problem is that they all use licensed music and not something hand-crafted for the game like the Sonic racing games for example.


Depends, I tend to play my own music when playing games which aren't story based. But when I am listening, it really does help keep you in the game. Burnout Paradise being on of the few games I loved listening to music in.


Well it is because sometimes when i find the music annoying or not attractive i just turn it off and turn on my own music. But it is hard to completely turn off the games music because i like to hear car engine or breakes burning tires. So yea if there is a bad music in the game i'm sure there won't be many players because it is the second most important thing after graphics.
Yes and No. Yes for racing games with a story and weapons etc but no for my NASCAR style games. And when I say "no" for the NASCAR style games I mean during game play. I prefer the sound of the car. However, when I'm in between games and doing setup and preparing for the next race I do appreciate a good tune!


The music helps me get more into the game. If it was silent then i would probably become bored of playing. It makes the game feel more exciting when you are struggling. With the music I often find myself humming it while playing. Therefore, it is a big aspect for me and most gamers.


Active Member
A racing game with poor or non-existent music usually isn't worth playing. The right music helps set the tune, and other times it just makes the game more enjoyable because you can jam out while you're playing.
Yes, definitely! Music is quite important in games, even more so in racing games! The right kind of music really get you 'in the zone' and gets your adrenaline flowing, making you ready to race!

Thomas Hall

New Member
I think music is calming for the game, and gives more feeling to play the game and explore more further. Music needs to be suitable, and also not boring music which is not really exciting to listen to. I like the music in the games, as it would get boring just driving the car and listening to it the whole time and just not be interesting to play it. Every game I have played had well chosen tracks, and made a boring racing game more better and playable as, it relaxed me and made the mood relaxing.


Well-Known Member
It really is, the problem is that they all use licensed music and not something hand-crafted for the game like the Sonic racing games for example.
Yeah, these days they are getting more and more dependent on others for their music so it's not as customized of an experience as older games. I guess the good thing about it is that you could substitute your own songs now if you didn't like it whereas in old games you're pretty much stuck with whatever they give you.


Depends on everyone taste, some likes driving with loud music on while other like driving on silence, hearing just the engine run. I personally rather play racing games with loud music on, this way I keep active and I can respond easily to ever new obstacle or curve on the way. If it's silence they I kinda fall into a numbness state.


Music and sound have always a part of every video game. And a lot of video games have used sound in unique ways. Metal Gear Solid took the concept to another level. Guitar Hero is centered on you hitting the right notes. Music is important in DDR in order for you to get into the rhythm to dance. What about in racing games? Is music that important to you?
I don't think it is that important. I rather just listen to the engine and the noise from the city, or the talking back and forth with other racers. Good music is cool, but it's not needed in my opinion.