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Is GTA Multi player is more fun than single player?

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To be honest, for me no, because I really enjoy the fun of having the whole virtual world to myself, and I can do whatever I want whenever I want. With online gaming, especially in GTA, you pretty much have to share your toys with other people, and that really irks me. I can't have fun driving anymore, no, it's gonna be killing and running things over. Online gaming also attracts a lot of annoying kids with unsupervised internet time, so it ruins the game for everyone else.


New Member
Like everyone else, I only prefer online with my friends. It's fun to to mess about without any worry. If no one is one, I like to hop onto single player and have fun with cheats and the cops. Like hold up a store, get 5 stars and try to escape. Other then that, exploring the many side-quests and trying to get all single player achievements is enjoyable too.


New Member
I like multiplayer a lot better because I get to have my friends involved, and it makes it more interesting to play. A lot of the features for multi-player is really cool. Single player is good too but less interesting sometimes however you can stick with your own goals on the game.


New Member
of course, this depends on the player's point of view. I have a friend that will only play multi-player games, but I swear by single player because I have a better experience. That being said, I do really enjoy GTA online because there's some satisfaction in blowing each other up in wild ways.


I don't have much time now to play games, so I'm stuck with playing the offline mode. So far I'm content playing it though. I won't mind trying to play the online mode in the future.
I pick multiplayer over single player any day. The online mode have more perks and plus it's fun playing with others. I find myself getting bored playing single player. I would definitely give it a try if I was you.


Naturally, multiplayer is more fun because you have more things to do and more interactions involved. Multiplayer can also be less fun if you aren't too good at the game or don't have a lot of friends to help you out.


New Member
Multiplayer has elements that provide a more chaotic and varied backdrop for fun, but also frustration. I've definitely had my most fun experiences with GTA online, but the single player deserves credit for being more consistent.


Active Member
Online mode is certainly more addictive and has more replay value I think because you're playing with other people and there is always something to be done. With the new update I think the replay value of it has just been increased.


New Member
I think it most certainly is. Don't get me wrong, the single players in these games has been fantastic since Vice City, and you can still enjoy the hell out of this game even if you're offline all the time, but online is just a completely different experience. There's so much to enjoy with your friends, that you could never experience alone. Granted you need like-able friends who you enjoy hanging out with all day.


New Member
The multiplayer is what keeps people playing. Even with great single player like in GTA V, nothing beats playing with your friends online. There is just so much replay value and content continues to be released by Rockstar. Completing heists with my friends is definitely one of my favourite experiences playing GTA.


New Member
Bit tоо еаrly tо sаy I think, but sо fаr, SP.
Thе singlе plаyеr is just аn аmаzing еxpеriеnсе imо. Thеrе аrе sоmе things thаt соuld bе bеttеr but it's rеаlly wоrth а 10 оn it's оwn.
Multiplаyеr is dесеnt еnоugh but it sееms my аntisосiаl nаturе еxtеnds intо thе gаming wоrld аs mоst оf thе timе, I'd rаthеr bе аlоnе.
Thе dеаthmаtсhеs аnd rасеs аrе prеtty fun but thеy gеt оld fаst fоr mе. Frее mоdе just suсks thоugh. Thе mаp sееms bаrrеn аnd еmpty соmpаrеd tо SP's аnd thеrе sееms likе nоthing tо dо оthеr thаn gеt shоt by а bunсh оf hооting kids. I dо likе thе idеа оf missiоns but frоm whаt I'vе plаyеd sо fаr, thеy sееm likе а bunсh оf blаnd fеtсh quеsts. I'd still likе tо dо thеm but I'd rаthеr dо thеm оn my оwn whiсh is prеtty diffiсult. Thе сhаrасtеr сrеаtоr is just dоwnright аwful аnd еvеn thоugh I mаnаgеd tо finаlly mаkе а blоkе thаt didn't lооk rеtаrdеd, likе I'd rаthеr plаy аs Mikе, Frаnk аnd Trеvоr.


New Member
аs I sаid thоugh, it's еаrly dаys. I аpprесiаtе whаt R* аrе trying tо dо аnd I'm hоping оnсе оnlinе finds it's fееt, wе'll sее sоmе imprоvеmеnts. I dоn't wаnt thеm tо fоrgеt аbоut SP thоugh, sоmе updаtеs аnd DLс wоuld bе niсе.


Active Member
I think GTA Multi player is very interesting and especially funnier than the single version (because the interaction makes everything more addictive). Some games always work better when played in a group, although playing alone is also nice.


New Member
This is one where it really depends on who you are playing with, at least it does for me. It is not the same as some of those massive games with loads of people, so that is my concern most of the time.


New Member
I think it all depends on the situation. Both types of games are equally fun in my opinion. For example, if I was hanging out with a couple of my friends, it would be nice to play the multi-player, but usually I'm playing by myself so I go for the single player mode.
Everyone has their own choice but I like the both modes. It is fun to play a single player game but if I want to have fun with my friends then GTA multiplayer would be the best option for this.
I wouldn't say so but it depends what you like to do in Grand Theft Auto. I know a lot of times players just like to cruise around in their cars without getting bothered which you can only really do in singleplayer. You can rarely go around driving in Grand Theft Auto multiplayer without some random player chasing you and trying to kill you so they can improve their K/D ratio. But then multiplayer is a lot better if you like to show off your things to other players or do missions with other players.


I think it depends on the game-play. Some of the time playing solo can be more fun. And when you have some of the friends around. And in such case playing with them is even more fun. Depends on the context of how you play the game.


Active Member
I think it depends on the game-play. Some of the time playing solo can be more fun. And when you have some of the friends around. And in such case playing with them is even more fun. Depends on the context of how you play the game.

This makes sense because not always a lot of people (even if all are your friends) guarantee a real quality of fun. the context of the game and the situation must also be taken into consideration.