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Is GTA Multi player is more fun than single player?

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I think it is from time to time. It depends on your mood really. Sometimes I feel like playing on my own, and sometimes I feel like playing with other people.


New Member
I think Rockstar was aiming for a better online experience in this game, which they successfully achieved, but playing with "randoms" will suck the fun right out of GTA online. Mad, random chaos is great when it's all going your way, but once you get caught up in someone else's shenanigans, you quickly start to realize how all those thousands of NPCs feel when you're running around in single-player punching people with the force of a thousand kangaroos.


New Member
In GTA V the multiplayer has a lot more features than the single player (the mechanic feature for example). It depends how you interact with the other players I suppose, it can get a little boring playing by yourself.


Active Member
Definitely! I mean.. the storyline is also really fun but I enjoy playing with other players more.
Maybe some mods will make the singleplayer much better! :D


New Member
I really love to do the missions in single player mode. I like to just see how far I can get in the game and what not. Though there are times when I sit with my husband and play multiplayer, which is great if you just want to goof off and see how much trouble you can get in. I guess it just depends on what kind of mood you are in that day and also what your gaming style is. If you like completing game then single player is for you but I like to mix it up from time to time.


New Member
I think heists and the like are better in single-player. I don't like playing co-op missions with random idiots, but for other mindless modes like race and shooting, MP is better.


New Member
Yes, especially the heists. Going through heists with friends and fooling around is a whole lot of fun after a long day of work.


Of course. Multiplayer is more fun than playing singleplayer. You and your friends get to play together with various missions and heists.


New Member
Sometimes it's better to play with others. There are those times I like playing alone. I especially prefer to play alone when I first get the game. It's just something that makes me more comfortable with gameplay before I put myself in situations where I need to know.


New Member
I generally prefer the online aspect of a game rather than it's singleplayer this because I like to interact with people and I always try to find a sort of competitive side of every game so yes, the multiplayer swept the singleplayer game mode. With what I said I'm not meaning that the SP sucks it's just less fun to play that the MP but the storyline is still cool.


New Member
I don't really like single player games as much anymore. So online for me is always better, just so I can talk with my mates and have fun that way instead of relying on the game itself.


New Member
I like it due to the fact that I can have my own custom character run around the city with my friends and having standoffs with the police. Hopefully they will have the custom character feature in the next game and it is not limited to multiplayer.


New Member
I think it depends. I absolutely love GTA singleplayer and I adore GTA Online. If I'm looking to play something story-driven, I'll likely play singleplayer, whereas if I'm looking to have more of a "mini-game" experience, or if I want to play with friends, I'll hop onto GTA Online. They're both awesome experiences, in my opinion.


New Member
the cars are ok, I'm getting all 3 but seriously?
why do they bother giving 25% discounts on stuff that costs chump change to begin with?
it doesn't sell cashcards and benedlfits a tiny minority that don't own some random discounted item and want it.

and does anyone play playlists?
I feel like they're rather pointless when the voting screen exists as it is now

just give us everything at once ffs and let the grinders grind and squeakers steal credit cards

Deleted member 57331

Honestly, multiplayer is only fun with friends. Playing it by yourself gets pretty boring. Playing with friends make heists a lot more fun, and just driving around aimlessly is much more fun. I can only play by myself for an hour or two, because most multiplayer lobbies are terrible and filled with hackers.


It depends on your personal preference honestly. I like both because both have their advantages. When you are in single player or story mode you can do whatever you want and not have to worry about 20 other players on the map constantly looking and trying to cause havoc on you. In online play, however, you have the option for continual growth in the game and new features being added all the time. The weapons and cars are better, you have better races and competition with friends, as well. Remember though, if you don't wanna be attacked constantly and that is one of the things that is holding you back from liking online play more, you could always go passive mode and that way no one will be able to bother you while you explore.


New Member
This is so subjective I don't even know how to answer it. The mode you're playing depends on the mood you're in, I guess. Sometimes I just feel like chilling by myself and exploring. In older multiplayer non-official versions of GTA it was all about killing everybody in a smaller map but I guess you could chill at multiplayer if you wanted to.


New Member
It really depends on what you're doing, I think. The whole deathmatch and versus stuff doesn't really do it for me, but cruising around with my buddies is one of the most enjoyable things I've ever experienced in a video game.


Active Member
Multiplayer is more pure fun as it allows you to do so much more stuff with other players. My biggest complaint was how dumb the AI can be sometimes. Multiplayer pretty much removes that by allowing you to play with other players.


Active Member
I think it depends. I absolutely love GTA singleplayer and I adore GTA Online. If I'm looking to play something story-driven, I'll likely play singleplayer, whereas if I'm looking to have more of a "mini-game" experience, or if I want to play with friends, I'll hop onto GTA Online. They're both awesome experiences, in my opinion.
If you want the whole story mode, then yeah the single player mode is the way to go. Once you finish the game, I like to just roam around. Multiplayer is the best option for that.