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Is GTA Multi player is more fun than single player?

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New Member
I totally love the feature of the Multi player in many games specially the FPS games, it's just absolute necessity, but when it comes to GTA, I find it more fun playing it as a single player more than online multi player. Well, That's my opinion. What you have in mind?


New Member
Well depends on what you want to do with the game. If you wanna just goof off with friends, which can be super fun, then multiplayer is the way to go! Multiplayer can be kinda boring though because nobody's communicating and just shooting each other. Otherwise, single player can be just as fun.


New Member
Multiplayer game has more features which I like. For instance, you can play with your friends and mess with the cops or just perform stunts with cars - it is your decision.


I prefer multiplayer but only when I have friends online. Being able to joke about things we just did or coming up with elaborate plots that accomplish nothing is one of the best parts. If I don't have any friends online I'll probably just skip multiplayer. A lot of the people can take things to serious or just be jerks. Overall single player might actually be better. There's small things that make a difference. More pedestrians, more cars, animals and it doesn't cost $100 for a candy bar.

rahman quadri

New Member
I love the gta online experience, but mostly with my friends. Gta v story mode was descent and kept me engaged, but I ended up playing online more than the story mode given that there were more things to do.


New Member
If you play with friends, then yes! :) We used to play SAMP on server with Cops&Robbers mod with more than 100 people online. I probably spent more time online than playing singleplayer.


Sometimes it's so much better to play online for me, because of all the events I can do with friends or random people. I like singleplayer too, as I can do whatever I want and I don't need internet.

Thomas Hall

New Member
In grand theft auto San Andreas, you can play multi player with carls girlfriend. It would have been good if they made it so, the girlfriend helps you out in missions. I found it exciting and just goofing off which was nice to be able to roam around.


GTA Online is certainly fun once you run out of things to do in single player counterpart. So yes, once you have finished the single player missions, Online is way more fun.
I think multiplayer is more fun if you have a few of your friends to play and mess around with. If you go into GTA Online and just mess around by yourself it can be pretty fun, but not to the extent doing crazy stuff with your buddies will be.
If you're a solo player I can understand why single player might be more fun than GTA Online.


The single player and multiplayer feature are two separate things. The single player or campaign is the story of the game and what most people spend money for. The ability to play online with people is just something extra. It makes since for certain games to have online play as it expands the game beyond the story. Each one is fun in its own kind of way and it all deals with preference.


New Member
I think online is more fun than single player. You are able to do more and interact with more people online.


Yeah I enjoy it more. Something about riding around with your friends and taking shots at random people is fun. It's also pretty fun trying to evade random griefers. You also get a sense of pleasure the first time you take out a jet with a sniper rifle or a tank from a rooftop.


New Member
Entirely depends on how you like to approach GTA. If you prefer solo free-roam, whilst using cheats (and trainers/mods for the technologically advanced ) then you'll get more of a kick out of single player. I prefer multiplayer, because you can muck around with friends and so on (even though I miss out on mods when I go online).

Maxx Johnson

New Member
In my opinion, based on my gameplay of GTA V, I think that as long as there's missions to do in Singleplayer, SP will always be more fun than Multiplayer. But it's been a long time since I had finished Singleplayer(twice now, actually) and I think Multiplayer is a lot more exciting, especially with updates every month or so.


New Member
I personally prefer single player, expected big things from multiplayer but never really got into it. I like doing the bank jobs and stuff but I usually get an awful team which sucks!


New Member
It depends on every person's liking. I, personally, enjoy playing online more than offline because I can interact with actual humans rather than only AI. It seems more real.
But some people love the offline experience more, God knows why...


New Member
Gotta say I enjoyed the single player campaign the most, don't get me wrong.. Online is fun too. But it just seems a little aimless after a while.


Active Member
While I still play the single player mode quite a bit, most of my time now is taken up playing online. Some of the online missions though could do with freshening up a bit, sometimes I find I'm doing a few of the solo ones while I'm waiting for friends to come on line and I think on the next DLC, rockstar could maybe look at releasing a few more maybe?