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Indie Games or Mainstream Games?

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People need to realize that games can be good, whether it has a huge production value or a not so big production value. The game all depends on whether or not the developers have any faith in the game and wants it to succeed. The gamer has to note the effort and sweat in took to make the game. So even if the most recent Call of Duty game has awesome graphics and good gameplay, the gamer might not find the same effort in the game from maybe a game like Hotline Miami, which brings me to this. Do you think mainstream games or indie games are superior to one another or is it just all up to opinion at that point?


Well-Known Member
As long as the gameplay is good I don't have qualms whether the game is indie or AAA. I have to admit I'm a little biased against indie games that look too simple though, as I'm not too fond of those types of graphics or games, even on mobile, but if it is they type of game that would surprise me when I find out that it is made independently then all the better.


I agree with you. I definitely prefer a well done indie game than a mediocre AAA game. I feel like sometimes indie developers put so much time and thought into a game and the result is almost always satisfying. A huge production values definitely helps but it doesn't necessarily make a game good or bad.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. I definitely prefer a well done indie game than a mediocre AAA game. I feel like sometimes indie developers put so much time and thought into a game and the result is almost always satisfying. A huge production values definitely helps but it doesn't necessarily make a game good or bad.
Yup, and the downside I find is that since indie games have less resources they are often forced to keep the games simple, which I'm okay with but I wish that some of these were given an AAA treatment like they deserve.


There are a ton of great indie games that pretty much make PC gaming what it is. I mean look at games like Outlast which people viewed as one of the best horror games to come out in a while. The fact is that there are a lot more worthy games on PC than on console.


Well-Known Member
I'm all up for mainsteam games usually. They just tend to be more polished and friendly.
Same here. Although it's not always true, for the most part, I like those games a lot more because they are polished whereas indie games almost always feel like some corners were cut.


Active Member
I don't really care about the developers, I would much rather have a good game made by an indie developer rather than a crappy iteration made by Ubisoft or Bethesda.