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Importance Of Graphics

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I would say that graphics plays a significant role in determining whether a game is good or not. A game with really nice graphics AND game play is definitely a super awesome game!


Well-Known Member
Very important, for the longest time I was okay with playing the Wii, but when I got a hold of the Xbox 360 it was like night and day, Graphics are important, but I do like a combination of both game play and graphics.
Yeah it's hard to go back to lesser graphics once you've gotten used and spoiled by way better ones. I remember enjoying old games a lot but some of them I played again and found out I could not enjoy anymore due to the bad graphics.


Graphics are important. Unlike the old days, graphics was just like meh, but today is different. Games today are competing who has the best graphics and more realistic.


Well-Known Member
Graphics are important. Unlike the old days, graphics was just like meh, but today is different. Games today are competing who has the best graphics and more realistic.
Agreed. I once thought I didn't care as much but I have to admit I enjoy modern graphics a lot easier than I could older games. It's also why I wish some of them would get an HD remake.


Graphics are important. Bottom line, it's a very important aspect to video games. Some indie developers believe that they can slack off in the graphics department and increase the mechanics of the gameplay aspect. Now, in some cases that could work, but in reality, graphics is the surface and the gameplay is in the actual content. So, in that sense, you need a good impression when showing off your works with the graphics and then resuming with the actual content. So there is a HUGE importance to graphics in the consumer's eyes and the developers/company's eyes. For sure.


Graphics are somewhat important to me. If a game has nice graphics, then I will want to play with as high settings as possible in that game. I prefer playing on PC, and I have always played on a PC, and I don't even own a console. However, I would like to buy a Playstation for Little Big Planet. Graphics are important, unless the game does a lot better job at game-play. In that case, the graphics aren't that important. However, the graphics on PC are a lot better, since they have no restrictions. Consoles have hardware that is already, pretty much, outdated.


Well-Known Member
Graphics are somewhat important to me. If a game has nice graphics, then I will want to play with as high settings as possible in that game. I prefer playing on PC, and I have always played on a PC, and I don't even own a console. However, I would like to buy a Playstation for Little Big Planet. Graphics are important, unless the game does a lot better job at game-play. In that case, the graphics aren't that important. However, the graphics on PC are a lot better, since they have no restrictions. Consoles have hardware that is already, pretty much, outdated.
I've only recently started to appreciate the graphics of PC versions. Personally though I still think console graphics are fine. It's probably because I grew up with crappy graphics so anything past ps2 is amazing to me.


Good graphics are nice to have, but they don't make the game. I still believe that story, characters, and gameplay are more important. That's how people like me are able to go back to older games, and still have a good time. Of course, I do expect graphics to improve with every new generation of consoles, but it's nice to get the occasional 2D fighting game or a modern game with pixel graphics. I appreciate games that call back to retro graphics, but I also like the modern, realistic graphics as well.


Well-Known Member
Good graphics are nice to have, but they don't make the game. I still believe that story, characters, and gameplay are more important. That's how people like me are able to go back to older games, and still have a good time. Of course, I do expect graphics to improve with every new generation of consoles, but it's nice to get the occasional 2D fighting game or a modern game with pixel graphics. I appreciate games that call back to retro graphics, but I also like the modern, realistic graphics as well.
For me even the story is not important. As long as the game mechanics are good I can like the game, but i can understand how others can have different priorities and preferences of course. I just wish that developers didn't focus too much on graphics but I guess there have always been companies like that even back in the low tech days and their existence does serve as a contribution to a lot of industries so it's easy to see why they are popular.


For me even the story is not important. As long as the game mechanics are good I can like the game, but i can understand how others can have different priorities and preferences of course. I just wish that developers didn't focus too much on graphics but I guess there have always been companies like that even back in the low tech days and their existence does serve as a contribution to a lot of industries so it's easy to see why they are popular.
Well, I suppose I understand that. Story definitely wasn't as important in retro games as it is now. It all depends on what you want at that time. When you want to immerse yourself in a game for a few hours, a game with a good story will do that. If you want to just pick up and play a game to kill a little time, a fighting game or racing game would be more suited for that. Still, none of those types of games need amazing graphics to make them enjoyable, but it is nice to have good graphics to compliment a good game.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose I understand that. Story definitely wasn't as important in retro games as it is now. It all depends on what you want at that time. When you want to immerse yourself in a game for a few hours, a game with a good story will do that. If you want to just pick up and play a game to kill a little time, a fighting game or racing game would be more suited for that. Still, none of those types of games need amazing graphics to make them enjoyable, but it is nice to have good graphics to compliment a good game.
Very true. I've tried playing some of the older games and I had a difficult time getting used to the graphics but after a while I got used to them again. Having better graphics definitely makes it much easier to get into a game even though that's not the main draw.


Very true. I've tried playing some of the older games and I had a difficult time getting used to the graphics but after a while I got used to them again. Having better graphics definitely makes it much easier to get into a game even though that's not the main draw.
Well, it is easier to see your surroundings with newer graphics. There's also less chance of items being mixed into the background. Nevertheless, everything must start somewhere. Pong was originally just a couple of blocks and bars. That point aside, gaming can still be enjoyed without especially amazing graphics. The inner mechanics of a game MAKE a video game more than its graphics.


Well-Known Member
Well, it is easier to see your surroundings with newer graphics. There's also less chance of items being mixed into the background. Nevertheless, everything must start somewhere. Pong was originally just a couple of blocks and bars. That point aside, gaming can still be enjoyed without especially amazing graphics. The inner mechanics of a game MAKE a video game more than its graphics.
Good point. I guess even then some games did the contrast between background and foreground better but it's probably much easier to make less mistakes on that nowadays wherein the formula is more set.


Active Member
I'm a bit choosy when it comes to graphics, I can't stand pixelated 3D graphics like Minecraft, but I'm okay with it in 2D. As for how good the graphics look, well, I suppose that our expectations will just grow as graphics cards grow more powerful. 30 fps is looked down upon now when just a few years back it was the standard to beat.


It is all about the graphics. We can be picky and talk about other issues and nice features, but when you get right down to it we like the graphics. What catches the eye and is appealing and aesthetic is what people always go back to.
Honestly nowadays, while I appreciate how impressive the technology is, I DON'T like photo-realistic graphics in my video games. I play games to ESCAPE reality, and if the visuals are TOO true-to-life it sort of ruins the fantasy for me. I can certainly appreciate breath-taking textures and lighting effects or whatever, but I still want to feel like I'm playing a GAME.


For me, the graphics are the last thing that I would consider before playing a game. Probably because my PC is far from being high-end, but that's just how I feel about graphics. It's not very important to me. The most important thing for me is the gameplay. This is also why I love Fallout. The graphics were not too high but the gameplay was great.


Well-Known Member
Honestly nowadays, while I appreciate how impressive the technology is, I DON'T like photo-realistic graphics in my video games. I play games to ESCAPE reality, and if the visuals are TOO true-to-life it sort of ruins the fantasy for me. I can certainly appreciate breath-taking textures and lighting effects or whatever, but I still want to feel like I'm playing a GAME.
Same here. I am impressed by how far graphics have gotten but they haven't added much to my enjoyment, personally. I prefer color and style over realism so having something so dark and gritty is impressive to me but not that enjoyable.


New Member
The importance of graphics depends on the person. For me personally I don't need fancy graphics. I do enjoy HD gaming, but it's not a necessity to determine if I like a game or not. For me it's all about the story behind the game. I enjoy games that have a long story mode. That is how I judge some games by.