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Importance Of Graphics

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It's like I will refuse to play on a console unless it is hooked up to a HD TV because SCART graphics are diabolical. While I'm playing a game I like to appreciate the world and pay attention to detail.

Ghost Rider

As any honest guy or girl would tell you, looks do matter. The same goes with games. If a game does not look good, I pass. Take for instance Dragon Quest VII for the PS1. The game gathered some rave reviews from game critics. I was intrigued and eventually got the game. But I was shocked that the graphics were so bad. I could not even stomach it. Urgh.


Consoles, even the next gen are way behind PCs in terms of visual quality. I value graphics a lot. They are a major part of game development. A key to a great game is correct balance of every component.

Ghost Rider

Consoles, even the next gen are way behind PCs in terms of visual quality. I value graphics a lot. They are a major part of game development. A key to a great game is correct balance of every component.
Yeah, PC is ahead in terms of raw power but that is if you really beef up your PC which could cost more than the price of a current generation console. Though PC games tend to look better than their console counterparts, I still love playing on consoles a lot more.


Graphics are important. That's something that goes without saying. But they aren't more important than gameplay and story.

Graphics are what get many of us to buy games. But gameplay and story are what keeps ups playing the games.
i do not believe they are important if you're playing the right kind of game, n64 is still my favorite consoles and i love their outdated graphics for some reason


Well-Known Member
I don't really care much about the graphics that much, but of course nicer graphics would be a lot more welcome. I tried playing PS1 games again and some of the games are a little difficult to play through due to the bad graphics, but even then I still am able to enjoy the games again especially the 2D ones since those were already pretty much above average by the time PS1 came around.


Well-Known Member
i do not believe they are important if you're playing the right kind of game, n64 is still my favorite consoles and i love their outdated graphics for some reason
You're right. Outdated graphics have some sort of charm to them. The main saving feature is that if they play well despite having outdated graphics, which good games of the past usually have anyway. Or else they wouldn't be able to stand the test of time.


Honestly to me I think that graphics are the most important part of a game and I think that if a game has bad graphics then a lot of people will not want to play it. It is weird because I have bought games and have not finish them simply because I did not like the graphics or that they were really poor.


I don't like when a have has bad graphics, when they're not supposed to. Do you get what I mean? When a game is stylized to look that way on purpose or it's pixelated, like Guilty Gear, or it's a retro game, that's fine. But if a game is on the Xbox 360 and it looks like PS2 game from the early 2000's, something is terribly wrong.


Graphics are important for first impressions and no one can really argue with that. However, graphics do not balance out with the gameplay. The gameplay is far more superior in its important to the game rather than the graphics. Games like Minecraft can surely side with that, with that game being one of the best selling games of all time. The graphics, to say the least, aren't amazing. They aren't even that good but the gameplay is what drives the game and that's why the game is one of the biggest games out there, selling millions of copies and have an absurdly enormous fan base.


Those who say it doesn't matter at all, won't play a game themselves if a game looks ugly and out of sorts. Graphics pay a huge part in any game.


Not the most important thing but its nice to have something pretty to look at while having fun. Im from the 16 and 32 bit era so Graphics are just a nice added bonus really because I would much rather have a game with great story and gameplay and have it look "bad" than to have a amazing looking game that crashes or controls terribly with no story and so on.


I find overall art direction to be far more important than anything else, you might have the fanciest lighting and what have you but if your design is inconsistent it looks like crap.
I only refer graphics to when the game was released. For example if new game came out I want it to have amazing graphics because it is new. On the other hand a game that came out a long time ago I don't expect it to have great graphics but I expect the gameplay part of it to be enjoyable.


Not as important as the art style and direction in a game that makes it more appealing. But when I do have the option, I mod and enhance the game to make sure I get the best possible version of it, something that is impossible to achieve on a console.


It is really not that important to me. More of an aesthetic thing than anything else. I much prefer the content and what the game has to offer versus its graphics. They are in my top 3 reasons I should buy a game but not the defining factor when I buy a game.


Well-Known Member
Those who say it doesn't matter at all, won't play a game themselves if a game looks ugly and out of sorts. Graphics pay a huge part in any game.
Agreed. I think to some extent it doesn't matter but there is a line for it. I probably won't enjoy playing Atari games now that I've grown used to more complex ones but there probably still are a few of them that have excellent enough mechanics that make them still hold up even today.


How important are graphics to you in terms of playing games?
Very important, for the longest time I was okay with playing the Wii, but when I got a hold of the Xbox 360 it was like night and day, Graphics are important, but I do like a combination of both game play and graphics.