Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

If you had $10 million would you still go to work or school?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
So, 10 million dollars after taxes, then?

I'd go to school, without a doubt. Education is one of the most important things ever.

If you think 10 million dollars will last you long - Have you ever heard the stories about people winning the lottery, then becoming homeless a year later? This happens in pretty much most cases of people going from rags to riches... They don't know the value of millions of dollars. Show them 20$? They know what that's worth. Show them 1 000 000? Not so much.

You'd be out of cash in less than a year, with no education and no job. Good luck in life.


So, 10 million dollars after taxes, then?

I'd go to school, without a doubt. Education is one of the most important things ever.

If you think 10 million dollars will last you long - Have you ever heard the stories about people winning the lottery, then becoming homeless a year later? This happens in pretty much most cases of people going from rags to riches... They don't know the value of millions of dollars. Show them 20$? They know what that's worth. Show them 1 000 000? Not so much.

You'd be out of cash in less than a year, with no education and no job. Good luck in life.
That's bullshit. Of course there are people who are not able to handle that much money but it is not a fate but something that has to do with you character. You never hear of those people who did not become homeless but simply happier with their lives.


I think I would.
Learn how to invest or start a business and things like that.
It's one thing to have all this money and be able to spend it but in the end it'll all be gone. I think it's smart to still have some income

a bean

New Member
Taxes do not exist.... its free money

hmmmm....straight $10 mil after taxes...hmmmmm

well, that's not enough to retire on in this day and age [at least not on this day and at my age] so it just depends on what one does with it. if it's invested wisely, the money works for you [at least that's what "they" say, whoever "they' are] so if i could do that, that's what i'd do. otherwise, i'd still work, pay off bills, take a chunk to travel and give the rest to friends and family


New Member
I would use that money to go to the art school I always wanted to go. I would then use some of the money to create a few high quality blogs and advertisements to expand my freelance career. So yes, I would go to school, but only to make more money and expand upon the $10 million.


10 million?! I would be so ecstatic and in serious disbelief. I would definitely stop working for sure especially because I don't really like the job I'm doing, I'm not passionate about it at all. I feel like why work when that's a position someone who needs it could have.It would be kind of greedy. I would make decisions to make sure I always have money and I would possibly go back to college to find a career I truly love.


It depends on how long i think the money would last. I don't think i would stop working but i do think that i would work a job that was more flexible and less demanding.


I would dedicated myself to charity works if I got that kind of money. That is, after separating half of it for myself and my close friends and family.


I would take the money and work with it as investment money and duplicate it. So I wouldn't directly go to school, but I guess you could say I'll be working yeah.


I would put half towards school and the other half into making a successful business so that I could go to work.


Buy a large house and car and fund my way through a very expensive college so I could have a nice career. 10 million wouldn't last FOREVER but it would be a very good buffer so you could go to the best schools and such.