Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

I still can't get over the fact that Tommy can't swim.

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I mean, he is suppose to be one of the more badass main characters! He resisted the Mafia and make them pay for what they did to him. He survived several assaults from the different gangs and cops. And he is a successful businessman. And you are telling me he can't swim? Come on!


That was just rockstar being lazy idiots. They could have done it they just chose not to and besides the original 2 gta's didn't have swimming either. The series originally wasn't supposed to have it. it was an afterthought.


New Member
No matter how strong a character is, there is always a weakness. Even Superman is weak to Kryptonite so it's understandable that he can't swim. :)Just think of it this way, and you won't feel as bad as thinking that Rockstar took the easy way out.


It was an afterthought? Well that news to me. But yeah, considering that the first two didn't get to swim too, I guess they never expected that they have to expand the gameplay to include swimming in the future installments.


No matter how strong a character is, there is always a weakness. Even Superman is weak to Kryptonite so it's understandable that he can't swim. :)Just think of it this way, and you won't feel as bad as thinking that Rockstar took the easy way out.

I can agree with that but it still annoying that once you in the water, you are basically dead. LOL


New Member
Yeah it's nothing against Tommy's character - he's still a badass. It's basically that Rockstar couldn't be bothered adding swimming to the game.


New Member
Yeah it's nothing against Tommy's character - he's still a badass. It's basically that Rockstar couldn't be bothered adding swimming to the game.
Maybe adding swimming wasn't possible then for a game such as Vice City. Perhaps it was technically difficult to incorporate swimming in an open world game so Rockstar just opted to skip it altogether since swimming isn't a crucial element.


New Member
To be honest it didn't bother me at all in real life I can't swim that well myself so I didn't care it didn't make him any weaker I mean he can't be superman he has to have some flaws.


I think I can solve it though. With the PC version of future installments, mods are possible and you can download alternate skin for your player character. So what I did is download a Tommy skin and use it for my playthrough. Imagine Tommy in San Andreas! Or Liberty City! Or Los Santos! And now he can swim too!


New Member
It was certainly surprising. Although it doesn't really both me that much. I never swam at all in the other GTA games so I didn't really miss it much here. I wonder if there was a specific reason for this though. People seem to want it rather than not so it seems a silly move by Rockstar.


Well it's not really surprising, considering that Vice City was released earlier than San Andreas, so obviously they haven't thought of the swimming concept yet. Be puzzled if they skipped the swimming part after they released San Andreas.


Eh, in the original Assassin Creed game you couldn't swim either - granted you were in the desert, but come on. I mean being unable to swim for some reason is a staple of games - less so now, but still there. Honestly I didn't care because I never figured I'd need to swim for any reason.


New Member
Although Tommy can't swim, that does not in any way diminish his character or personality. He does not have to be a swimmer just to be a badass character. Also, the missions in VC do not require any swimming at all, so that is not such a big loss.


New Member
Tommy Vercetti is actually my favourite Grand Theft Auto protagonist. It is plain annoying that the poor guy can't swim. I hope Rockstar makes HD remakes of the older GTA games on the RAGE engine and makes a GTA: Vice City HD which allows Tommy to swim after all! I would love to see a Tommy who swims. Reminds me of a meme which says that Tommy can handle any gun, accomplish any task and drive any vehicle, but he can't swim. :p


Maybe the developers didn't have the technology at the time to add that feature to the game and still make the game playable. I am just speculating but it does suck when you go into water and you just die helplessly.
What's more impressive is that CJ could swim the entire length of the map, but Tommy drowns even by getting his feet a little wet. You probably don't get the reference, but I'll just let it sink in a little.


Well, this was before San Andreas came out, so none of the GTA protagonists at that point could swim. CJ's game started the swimming gimmick and it was new at the time. Though Tommy is a really cool protagonist, he just came out at the wrong time to be able to swim.

Jerome Moore

New Member
After playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas it does seem weird going back to Vice City to play it and if Tommy accidently falls in the water he can't get up. Weird Stuff Man.


New Member
While it's understandable why you can't swim in Vice City from a technical standpoint, it is kinda strange that Tommy wouldn't be able to, being from what is ostensibly Miami and all. Heh.