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I am really......(Major spoilers for story)

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sad that Victor was killed in Vice City. I have grown to love him so much after spending so much gametime with him in Vice City Stories. And Lance! You should learn more from your brother! Yes, you try to get revenge on those who killed him but what you did to Tommy was not cool man!


New Member
Whoa, I never knew Victor died in the game. I never finished the game because I got tied with something else last time. This makes me want to Google up the cutscene and see for myself.


New Member
It's been awhile since I played either game, I don't remember Victor so much, but Lance on the other hand I remember him well since he was my second favorite character in Vice City I might have to go back and play Vice City Stories again I feel like I may have missed something important in the story.


Whoa, I never knew Victor died in the game. I never finished the game because I got tied with something else last time. This makes me want to Google up the cutscene and see for myself.
It's at the very beginning of the game. You won't even notice that it's there if Vice City is your first GTA game. Actually, I think nobody pay attention to that scene because we don't even know who is Victor. The story was only expanded in GTA Vice City Stories. It's like a blink and you miss scene. I don't like it when they just skimmed over the fact that he died. At least put in more drama for people to get emotionally involved!


New Member
It's at the very beginning of the game. You won't even notice that it's there if Vice City is your first GTA game. Actually, I think nobody pay attention to that scene because we don't even know who is Victor. The story was only expanded in GTA Vice City Stories. It's like a blink and you miss scene. I don't like it when they just skimmed over the fact that he died. At least put in more drama for people to get emotionally involved!
So that's why I missed it. I guess they thought it wasn't very crucial to the story then if it's only a split second thing. Yeah, I agree on putting some emphasis on it so that people will at least have some closure when someone dies.


New Member
That's good to know I thought I was the only one that didn't know who Victor really was I know it's been awhile since I played it, but I think I am going to replay it, but pay more attention to the story.


New Member
It's been a looong time since I've played this game, my memory on Victor is fuzzy. After looking him up really quick, he was one of my favorite characters, I'd pretty much blocked out that he had died. If a game makes you sad when a character dies, you know they are doing something right.


I think it sad that most GTA characters don't have happy ending. Although it's sad, but somehow it's actually fitting because......well, most of them did committed a lot of crimes and murders. Victor got killed in a gun fight, Johnny was killed by Trevor, Ken Rosenberg was cut out of contact by Tommy by the time of San Andreas......Although there's some who still live a pretty good life.


Yeah, but it had to happen because it was already established after all. None the less. I really thought victor was one of the better protagonists of GTA. He felt remorse and was generally a pretty nice guy.


Victor was killed in the prologue of the game. He was killed in a ongoing drug deal. He is killed before you get to play the game.


GTA Vice City was my 1st GTA game, so no wonder his name didn't ring a bell at all, since I have only played Vice City, San Andreas, and GTA 3. I'll get to know him eventually when I play the other GTA series.

Thomas Hall

New Member
Vic was a cool character, who was morally right. Lance was someone who, was about himself and wanted to get into cocaine trade to get money. Vic was the better out of the two, if he had survived would have been a better man for Tommy. Lance came at end of fight when there was nothing to do. Tommy would have had someone who he could trust and also a man who would help recover the money and the city also.


New Member
Whoa, I never knew Victor died in the game. I never finished the game because I got tied with something else last time. This makes me want to Google up the cutscene and see for myself.
you had to finish the GTA VICE CITY, youve missed so many interesting parts. its interesting keep on playing

Thomas Hall

New Member
GTA Vice city stories was good and you played as Victor and lance was annoying and a coke addict and without Vicotor he would of been dead a long time ago in the game. I reckon Lance should of died and Victor could of helped Tommy out and would of expanded the empire, I wander would he of taken on diaz though since they were close and would of maybe let him go and move from the city. This game was good and, we learn about Lance and Victor and how they worked for diaz and betrayal happens in the game like in most of them.


As far as I remember, you couldn't clearly see it was Vic Vance who was killed.
Or was it confirmed by Rockstar games?
I don't really remember, it was long time ago since I completed both games, however Vice City Stories is still my favorite GTA title (haven't finished GTA V yet).


New Member
It's been way too long since I played this game. Hell, I can't even remember a quarter of the details. But now, yeah, I do remember that Victor was killed and also remember that was quite sad about it, but you know...


New Member
Ah yes I remember. It made me a bit sad, but not that much, because I just moved on and got over it by focusing on the game itself.


New Member
I only knew Victor from the "he's Lance's brother that got killed in the beginning of Vice City" so I never really thought about his future story-wise. It was obviously great to go back to Vice City for one last ride, and I didn't care that much about Vic. But Lance drove me crazy. Absolutely did not see this side of him during Vice City.


New Member
Well I would be surprised at anyone who still gets genuinely upset over a spoiler. There are everywhere these days and I would think people can understand by now.