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How would you rate Vice City?

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New Member
When it was released it was a solid 9. Had way too much fun with the game. The story was good and the replayability was insane. Though some bits of the game were a little off.


I would rate it 10/10. I really loved the graphics of the game. The concept of the game was really awesome. The soundtrack of the game was also very addictive. In my opinion, the newer versions of the game were much better than the older ones. I would rate the series 9/10. (overall rating for entire series).


Active Member
When people talk about the GTA games, I remember that at the time it came out it was given rave reviews and rightly so, but it seems as though people have forgotten how good it actually was, and what it did for the GTA series as a whole.
Back in the day it was a 9/10 for me. Nowadays it really shows its age not only in graphics but in controls as well, so it would go down to a 7. That's just my opinion though.


New Member
I would actually give it aseven since I did not finish the whole game, even if I had completed it I would still give it a 8/10 because the graphics were not that good and also the storyline itself.


Active Member
I'd give Vice City a solid 9/10. I thought the missions, storyline, characters, and gameplay were top notch. I would give it a 10 if the world were a little bigger, but overall, it is one of the best GTA games ever. I wouldn't change much about the game.


Active Member
At the time, I remember playing that game and thinking that it was the best GTA game I had played. It was revolutionary for video games at the time, but whenever I go back and play it now, I notice that glaring flaws that the game has. I'd give it a solid 7/10.
I know exactly what you mean, but you have to judge the game based on the context of the time it was made and which console. Of course it's not going to be as good as the newer games made for more capable consoles. For the time it was made, it's certainly one of the best games ever made.
At the time of it's release I would have given it a 10/10. It was great, and very much an improvement over III. Tommy Vercetti as the main character was leaps and bounds better than previous silent protagonist Claude.


New Member
Given the time it was made, I would rate Vice City an 8/10. It was a great game and the graphics were awesome for the time. The story felt a little "arcady" though at some parts, but overall it was a good game which could give you a lot of enjoyment. I'm replaying it right now on my laptop and I'm still having fun even if it's a really old game.


Active Member
Given the time it was made, I would rate Vice City an 8/10. It was a great game and the graphics were awesome for the time. The story felt a little "arcady" though at some parts, but overall it was a good game which could give you a lot of enjoyment. I'm replaying it right now on my laptop and I'm still having fun even if it's a really old game.
It's important to put the game into context of the time it came out. Vice city was a revolutionary game at that time. Of course the newer games have bigger worlds and have surpassed vice city, but it was still an awesome game for the time it came out.


Vice City was truly one of the best if not the best game to come out during it's times. It was different and something risky as well. Up to this day I don't think any other game stands out in my mind as much as Vice City did during a certain stage of my life. It was an impactful game.


When it first came out I wasn't a huge fan mainly because of the setting and I always preferred the darker, grunge tone of GTA III; however, now that I look back on it I wanna re-play it more and more every day. I miss the lighter tone of it, the neon visuals streaking going at high speeds on a bike, and the weapons were superior with the chainsaw as well as many others. I really hope for a re-make of this for the next installment of GTA.


New Member
I would give it a solid 9 considering the time it was released. It's not fair at all comparing it to GTA V. If this question was asked 10 years ago it would get a whole lot more love.


New Member
I'd give Vice City an 8/10. It was one of the first games I played on Xbox so I will always have a bit of nostalgia for it which adds to my rating of the game. I prefer SA and IV to Vice City though.


I would give it a seven out of ten, but that is mostly because I am in a similar boat to @Error where I have a good sense of nostalgia for the game, and I think that it factors in to my rating. When it comes to layout and game play and features and graphics though, it is somewhere in the middle of my favorites of all the games. At the time that it came out though I probably would have rated it a lot higher too.


New Member
I really enjoyed playing Vice City. I think it is my favorite game out of all the GTA games. I really enjoy the story line. I have to give the game a 9 because the game is starting to show it's age.
I rate Vice City a 9 out of 10 because it doesn't top San Andreas, in my opinion, which I consider a 10. I love most if the GTA except China Town for sure.


I really enjoyed Vice City. I don't think it was the best ( San Andreas was) but I think it comes pretty close. I would give it an 8/10.


New Member
Gtа viсе сity is bеttеr thаn its prеviоus gаmеs.prеviоus gаmе didn't hаvе muсh grаphiсs,vеhiсlеs еtс.In thе prеviоus gаmе Gtа III thеrе wаs nо bikеs,sсооtеrs еtс whеrеаs gtа viсе сity hаs lоts оf vеhiсlеs bеttеr grаphiсs аnd lоts оf ridеs аnd sidеmissiоns.This mаdе thе pеоplе buy thе gаmе.Nоwаdаys it is mоrе сhеаpеr in pс аlsо.It hаs lоts оf сhеаt соdеs аnd mоds.Thе stоry is аlsо intеrеsting.