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How toxic is GTA Online?

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Let's face it, online games summon the worst players imaginable in gaming. They sometimes harass, send hate mail, stalk you through the game, flame you over the comments and mail, is GTA online any different, or should gamers just stay away from it and just stick to single player GTA 5? What do you guys think?


Active Member
GTA Online has it's fair share of morons but then what game doesn't? If you get in a lobby that's got a high number of people in it then you're bound to hear someone chatting crap on their mic but the beauty is you can just mute them.

I wouldn't stay away from it but just bear in mind there will be idiots present.


I've seen a lot of bad GTA V online footage with players making their avatars "rape"other people's avatars. I'd rather miss out on the online play than deal with idiots like that. As a woman I already get enough crap in real life, so I just enjoy the game offline.


It's very toxic, at least by my experiences. But that's because a lot of kids play this game, if you go with your friends or with people that you already know, you'll have a much better experience, trust me.
It's extremely toxic if you only play with randoms. The best decision I made was joining up with a crew and only playing with them. Sometimes we fill up a whole lobby and never have to worry about toxic players.


Active Member
I had a guy kill me and then proceed to "tea bag" my character last night, well, the best you can with the crouch mechanic.

I've found online play can get extremely bad if you have a bounty set on you, then it's a case of people chasing you all over the map in order to claim that bounty. I've also found in challenges like the reverse driving one for instance, people will kill you if they see you in an attempt to sabotage you getting any where near their score. I know this is a GTA game but during those challenges I think that's a little over the top and makes it seem like the other players are not good sports. I know I'll get laughed at for saying that but it does feel that way.
Yeah, every game will have its fair share of mean,bad people and GTA doesn't escape that fate. However, compared to other games like COD there really isn't that many bad people. Besides, most of them are confined to their own servers.


Active Member
I'd say it's a little worse than the COD games because GTA seems to be the go to game for "bad boys" to prove themselves, which is evidenced by squeaky sounding kids threatening to kill you over the mic.


New Member
You can find the odd player who is a good sport and very kind and won't shoot on sight. There is fun is going on killing sprees but people who will hunt you down from the moment you spawn just to pop a few unimpressive shots at you is a little crappy. Like, if you're going to kill me, make it flashy and funny. Not just, oh, I'm dead again... sweet.


Active Member
It's like in League of Legends.. too many immature people have access to the game and the whole online mode is pretty toxic, especially on PC. I still have fun but it's pretty annoying to have a guy chase you all the time and kill you.


Active Member
I've gotten to hate people who blow up your personal cars only for the soul reason of because they can. Still, they have to fork out $5,000 for my personalised lowriders so in a passive-aggressive sense, the joke is on them.


I haven't encountered that many toxic or rude players? The community has seemed rather friendly in my experience, actually. Especially when compared to other online games.


New Member
The game is filled with toxic people. They come out of nowhere and start killing you for no reason at all whatsoever and it's annoying when trying to complete a mission or get from point A to B. It is even worse if you spent a few grand becoming CEO and get your packages destroyed by randoms while trying to do already time consuming mission to collect those packages. BUT, I don't think anyone should miss out the online experience of heists, missions (favorite is bumper cars), etc. because of some people trying to be toxic.


Well-Known Member
I haven't encountered many toxic players but I don't play that much. So far the people I've met are all nice and I've even gotten help from some of them.


New Member
I haven't encountered many toxic players but I don't play that much. So far the people I've met are all nice and I've even gotten help from some of them.
Yeah, don't get me wrong. There are some people that are actually very nice. For me they are rare but once they do show up they would help complete missions and just roam the map and defend from other players. I realized that to make a gta friend you just honk your horn in your car and they would honk back to let you know that they won't kill you. But usually people just go around killing that I would go back and do the same in that specific session. I'm assuming that maybe you don't experience toxic players is because you probably don't play on Xbox.


Active Member
The game is filled with toxic people. They come out of nowhere and start killing you for no reason at all whatsoever and it's annoying when trying to complete a mission or get from point A to B. It is even worse if you spent a few grand becoming CEO and get your packages destroyed by randoms while trying to do already time consuming mission to collect those packages. BUT, I don't think anyone should miss out the online experience of heists, missions (favorite is bumper cars), etc. because of some people trying to be toxic.

I must admit that I was guilty of blowing up someones package during the first few days of that update because I thought that was what you were meant to do. They come up as a red dot on the map and I thought it was the objective to a challenge or something. I don't do it at all now though.

Yeah I hate it when you get someone following you from spawn to spawn killing you just for no reason. Seems a little pointless to me and even more pointless is 9/10 times I don't fight back so it just seems a little silly. Like shooting a rat in a barrel.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't get me wrong. There are some people that are actually very nice. For me they are rare but once they do show up they would help complete missions and just roam the map and defend from other players. I realized that to make a gta friend you just honk your horn in your car and they would honk back to let you know that they won't kill you. But usually people just go around killing that I would go back and do the same in that specific session. I'm assuming that maybe you don't experience toxic players is because you probably don't play on Xbox.
This might be the case. The most I've played online is on PC and although there are some troublemakers I don't think I've come across many of them. Usually I can make friends there fairly easily and even when I was only starting there were already people nice enough to help me along.


I've seen a lot of bad GTA V online footage with players making their avatars "rape"other people's avatars. I'd rather miss out on the online play than deal with idiots like that. As a woman I already get enough crap in real life, so I just enjoy the game offline.
Too true. Why put yourself through all that, even if it is in a virtual game. Some people can be real jerks, but there is no reason why we should entertain them. I do prefer single play for that reason.


The online community can be very toxic at times and most of that is due to little kids getting the game and playing, you can hear them on there headsets as well. They spend most of there time trolling and trying to ruin everyone elses experience. Even with this GTA V online is still better than single player due to the content and multitude of things you can do. Try to just find a good crew to play with an add mature better players and send them invites to missions or heists.