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Forza Motorsport 5 How realistic can it get?

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Seriously though i went to game the other day and forza was in - not to sure which one but it was playable as soon as i was able to race omg it is the most realistic game probably out at the moment the car physics amazing, driving is great and the game overall 10/10.


New Member
Race Sims are a big thing these days - basically you sit in the car just like you would a flight simulator. they have hydraulics and its pretty awesome.


I'm no expert but I guess it can't get more real than the real thing.
Haha true but it is coming very much near the real experience look at GTA fuel draining now that could come up in a Forza game but you never know.


I'm not really sure if making the games more realistic is a good thing. With real life comes complications. I don't want all racing games to lose the escapism they give me.

mike mike

New Member
It can get really realistic. It could get to the point that we would be inside a car and driving in real life track, but at the end its still a game. There is a lot of games that can get really realistic but it would be a game at the end. I think if the cars popped out of the TV it would be cool. It would be like a 3-D thing, but way more.


With the advent of google's self driven car, we could at some point almost be in a realistic gaming environment. You could be playing in your car a racing game, while google is actually driving it. Wrap your head around that!

Racer X

I'm not really sure if making the games more realistic is a good thing. With real life comes complications. I don't want all racing games to lose the escapism they give me.

I'd have to agree with this. There's supposed to be some air of the fantastical to the games we play, at least in my mind. But, that said, unless they devise a way to make the cars/people stop looking digital and look of actual metal/flesh and blood, I really can't imagine how much more the visuals or anything else for that matter can be improved. But that there might be a little much. Might as well just go drive a real car, lol.


Forza Motorsport 5 is a s real as it gets guys! You are not going to get a better AAA racing games from devs. GT 6 and Driverclub is going to be really good game, but let's face it, nothing can even come close to what Forza series has to offer.


New Member
The racing games will evolve better and better for every next gen in the future. Transistors are getting smaller and smaller, and cheaper to make. Which means you can have more transistors in the same volume which leads to more performance. The game developers will get more to play with. It will be really interesting seeing how the games will the future. Just imagine playing at 4k resolution with amazing real life physics!


I don't experience drifting problems with Forza 5. I find you either win back enough grip to keep going by feathering the trigger or more often than not, go beyond the tire's absolute limit and the car rotates. Compared to 4, this happens a lot - I use the pad with sim steering and just ABS - but I prefer that to having it too easy to wrestle some of the big power cars around a track.


Active Member
Forza 5 is really as realistic as it can get. The graphics look awesome on this game.
Now imagine using a steering wheel, stereo headphones and a three-way monitor set up. It's like you're not even in your house anymore, you're racing for your life!


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that the current graphics was nowhere near the graphics they showed at the reveal, but I guess those are just the limitations we have for now. I'm sure the mechanics are at least more realistic though.


I'd have to agree with this. There's supposed to be some air of the fantastical to the games we play, at least in my mind. But, that said, unless they devise a way to make the cars/people stop looking digital and look of actual metal/flesh and blood, I really can't imagine how much more the visuals or anything else for that matter can be improved. But that there might be a little much. Might as well just go drive a real car, lol.

I think that's really well put, at least the first part, lol ;). I'm a fan of that little bit of escapism, too. Though I have to admit it's pretty impressive how realistic they can make these kinds of things now, we certainly have come a long way from how graphics and game play overall used to be.
There are some extremely realistic racing games, mostly on the PC though. Project Cars looks pretty realistic both gameplay wise and graphics wise. Considering it's a crowdfunded indie title that really is an accomplishment. As graphics progress there will probably some kind of junction point where they get so good you can't tell it from real life, and that's when developers will turn to more minimalist and artsy styles like most indie games. If you look at Forza 5 10 years from now, the graphics will look horrible, but games like Don't Starve and Binding of Isaac will stay timeless.


It's getting to the point where games are becoming photorealistic and starting to look like movies. Once they've pushed that as far as it can go,
game developers will probably go back to having an art style like Okami or Psychonauts.
It'll probably be about who has the most interesting art concepts and character designs, once they've done all the realism to death.