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how old were you when you started riding a bike?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


To be honest I have no idea. I guess I could ballpark a good guess, though, and I would say between five and eight maybe. I used to ride bikes a lot more when I was younger though, so it might have even been before that. What I also know is that while the old saying is true, that you never forget how to ride, it certainly does not mean that you can just pick it up and be as good as you were, because when I got to riding a bike again it was a struggle, and I looked like an idiot.


Well-Known Member
I didn't use training wheels either, maybe just at the start but I basically learned how to ride it by falling everyday. One day I just randomly got it and I was really happy! :D
Same here I was also really happy when I finally learned but I did hate having to fall a lot though because I got lots of bruises that way. I remember getting a big one that really made me cry lol.


Active Member
Same here I was also really happy when I finally learned but I did hate having to fall a lot though because I got lots of bruises that way. I remember getting a big one that really made me cry lol.
Yeah, unfortunately our yard was small so I fell over a lot of obstacles like barrels and our bbq, but I didn't injure myself that bad. I was actually happy even though I was falling constantly.


I was a teenager when I first started riding a bike. I wasn't firm on the bike but I could manage to drive it some distance. Precisely I was around sixteen years then. It was really interesting and exciting first time on bike
I was around 6 or 7 years old when I started riding a bicyle. I remember the first time riding it, I was using training wheels to help me balance my bicycle.


I think I was 19 or so at the time when I started learning bike. You can see that learning bike is not that easy and also not that hard if you do it on your own. I guess we learn from experience.


I don't think I can remember what age I was when I first rode a bike but if I had to guess I would put it between 6 and 7 years old.


6 and 7 seems to early. I didn't even had a chance to lift the car keys in that time. And they were not giving me that as well. So you can see that some of the time this type of stuff can be seriously goes wrong in many ways too.


I was fifteen years old when I learned to ride a bike. It's easy and enjoyable. Me and my dad always scrolls down the town every morning riding a bike.


New Member
I learned how to ride a bike when I was already 15 years old. Pretty old right? I was really scared of riding at first and I don't have much access on bikes before. I was really jealous of 5 years old kod riding a bike that's so much better and fearless than me. So when my brother got a bike, I borrowes and started to practice. I was having a hard time to balance at first. But in 3 days, I finally know how to drive it very well. That was a whole day practice by the way.


I learned how to ride a bike when I was already 15 years old. Pretty old right? I was really scared of riding at first and I don't have much access on bikes before. I was really jealous of 5 years old kod riding a bike that's so much better and fearless than me. So when my brother got a bike, I borrowes and started to practice. I was having a hard time to balance at first. But in 3 days, I finally know how to drive it very well. That was a whole day practice by the way.
15 years? That is pretty old!
I was probably in the 2nd grade maybe 8 or 9 years old when I got my first bike. No one taught me how to ride one I just learned by using one foot to balance and the other to pedal and suddenly I just sat on the seat and was biking myself to freedom. Yes, its my first taste of freedom because I was able to go places with my bike, alone.