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How old were you when you first started playing Vice City?

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I remember being 12. I loved that game so much! I used to play it when my family went to summer house. During long rainy days (that are common in my country) I used to sit on my bed and play it on my console. Those were the days!


New Member
12 when I started playing although it was 13 or maybe even 14 when I actually got it for myself. the one game that actually took a little trouble acquiring.


Ugh so old. I had to look up when Vice City came out and it says between 2002. I was 20. You're all so freaking young in here. ;)


I was in my teen years around 14 years old. My parents were hesitant on buying the game for me since it was notorious for its' violence, etc. I've never had any urges to kill someone or jack a car, and I don't think I ever will.


New Member
I can't remember the exact age I was, but I think I was somewhere between 14-17 my mom really didn't like me playing those types of games.


New Member
Hmm, I was very young. It was the first GTA I had played and it was the one that got me to purchase all previous titles. I think I was around 12 or so when I first played it. I had a lot of fun back in those days as a kid playing it. Today I don't play as much when it comes to GTA, because back then it was so new to me. Today it's still newish, but not new to where I can go on rampages for hours on end. :(


I think I was like 15 when I played Vice City. I loved that game. Except for the missions where you had to fly a plane or that one damn mission where you had to ride your motorcycle across ramps on the rooftops. That took me like a week to beat and gave me many tantrums and headaches.


New Member
I was probably about 10, admittedly. That's the thing when you have an older brother, you'll eventually get to play all of his cool games! I turned out alright though. The violence didn't scar my younger self or anything.


New Member
I can't recall my exact age but I'd probably say I was between 11-14. I grew up playing Resident Evil, Silent Hill and other horror games so the violence never bothered me or anything like that. I remember playing the game with my brother and my cousins all the time, we'd take turns with the missions.


New Member
I was 16 when it came out, so I wasn't exactly old enough to be playing it, but old enough to understand and enjoy every single aspect of it's pop culture references and setting. It was an amazing time to be a gamer.

Racer X

It came out when I was like 13 or 14.. but being that I wasn't a big PS guy, I didn't really play it until much later when I started going back and rediscovering all the PS stuff I missed out on coming up. So.. maybe 18? That's about right.


New Member
The first time I started playing the Vice City was on The 12 of December 2003. By then I was only 10 and It was just by lack that I got it. My parents were hesitant on buying one for me or allowing me to go and play the one owned by my friend. But since my Uncle had one for which he kept playing it was during this time that it become boring so he decided to hand it over to me.


New Member
I was 14 when I was playing it. How do you remember the exact day that you first played it Banister? You must have really loved GTA or you marked it on your calendar lol


New Member
I was 13 when I started playing GTA. I started playing it on the PSP. It was really fun and I remember playing it a lot when I traveled around in my Dad's car. It was really violent as I remember it but man did I have fun.


New Member
I was 14 when I was playing it. How do you remember the exact day that you first played it Banister? You must have really loved GTA or you marked it on your calendar lol
Yep! even besides being a great lover of the GTA I was still a teenager and remember at that tender age what you do to a child may never move out of his or her mind. The fact that my parents where quite stubborn and could buy me the game...for it being done by my uncle I could not forget it DieselFit.


New Member
I was like 10 or so. I was at an internet cafe club and I just asked the worker there to show me a game that looked like real life and you could steal cars and etcetera. The guy put Vice City on and ever since I'm a GTA fan. And yeah, not sure why but I as well found the game much more appealing on rainy days.


I started playing Vice City when I was already 20 years old because that was the time that the game was installed on the pc. I did get addicted to it and everytime I would sit in front of the pc, I'm always enthusiastic and looking forward to play the game.


New Member
I started playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City when I was about 20 years old. I'd bought it for my SO at the time, and watching him play it just looked like so much fun - I had to give it a shot. The music and style enticed me and I thought it was so hilariously awful (in terms of the morals in the game - not the game itself!) It ended up being a massive time sink for me. I still recommend it as a great place to start for any Grand Theft Auto fan -- especially if they are into the 80s whatsoever.

I wonder what a 20s or 50s themed Grand Theft Auto would be like ... or even a 500 BC Grand Theft Auto. Haha, could you imagine highjacking a chariot?!