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How often do you go to the cinemas?

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I try to go to the cinemas at least once every six months but if there is nothing on it could be just once for the year, how often do you go?
About as often as you do. Unfortunately it's so expensive that I can't justify going more often. I last went just over a month ago, watched two movies in one day!


I know its a sign that I am getting older, but I go every week. I don't like the bar or club scene at all. But, I could stay at the movie theater ALL day on Saturdays. I can see 4-5 movies in a day. 5 is a push though, have to get there in the morning. So I usually see 3-4 in a day.

Racer X

Oh man, I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies... When did Avatar come out? Not the Airbender movie, the movie with the blue people. Whenever that was, that was the last time I went to the movies. Don't go much at all, honestly. Unless it's something really exciting to me, I prefer to catch most movies on TV.


New Member
Not as often as I'd like to. I keep saying to myself that I'll get a cinema card, but never actually do. I probably go once every 5 weeks or so. I'd like to go at least 3 times a month, but never seem to have the time :(

Denis Hard

When I used to date, going out to the cinema was more like a weekly thing for me.

However when I got out of the rut [of dating] I slowly started going slow on that [going to the cinema]. I do go occasionally to the theater when a new movie [whose review I like] has been released which isn't often. So at the present, I go to the cinema three or four times a year.


I've stopped going to the cinemas a long time ago. First of all, they are expensive. In my country they would charge you like 15 euros which is crazy! You could go to a fancy restaurant on such a money! If I lived in Us I would have used Netflix, but since it is unavailable to me, I just pirate most of the movies I want to watch. I don't even remember the last time I have spend any money on the movies. Probably been like 5 years now.

a bean

New Member
once a month, perhaps twice if it's a really good month for hollywood

the problem these days - for me - is the quality, not the quantity or cost of attendance. if i'm gonna shell out a double-digit cash amount for a movie, it better be a quality movie [by my standards] or no moolah for it


New Member
Not very often. I would say not even once a month. The last movie I went and saw a couple months ago was World War Z. It was a pretty good film, I like zombie movies so. Felt the need to go see it. I normally only go to the movies for the whole "3D" part of it. I don't have a 3D television, or dvd player for it. So the only way I can view movies in 3D. Is at the movies. If I like something that I see on television that's coming out in 3D, than I'll go. But really, I hardly ever do.
Once or twice a month, sometimes none - it depends if there's anything good on the big screen. If not, I'll probably only watch it at home once it's on DVD.


I can't remember the last time I went to the cinema. I think it was to see "Life" starring Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence so yea that was some years ago. I just don't really like the whole experience, I prefer to wait until I can stream the movie or download it at home.


Mostly when I get invited by a friend. Otherwise I usually don't bother. I prefer Video Games to movies 99% of the time anyway.


I probably go about 2 times a month depending on what type of movie is out. I certainly do not go to the movie theater as often as i use to.


I don't go very often, my parents are too busy to take me and I can't go myself. I would say I go once a month, but recently I haven't gone at all. Last movie I went to see was bad grandpa, and that was months ago. I enjoy going to the cinema, but I feel watching the movie at home is more comfortable.
when i first got my car the first place i went to was the movies with my girl and i must say i have never been back, prices are too damn high


I use to go every 3-4 weeks or so but I don't really go anymore. I don't get the same enjoyment out of it now that I'm a bit older.


New Member
I used to go quite often to the cinema when I was younger, although I hadn't been for years when I went to see Skyfall. Since then, I have been to see A Good Day to Die Hard, Evil Dead and RoboCop with my girlfriend. There's still something about seeing a film on the big screen, and I'll be going to see the Amazing Spider-Man 2 when it comes out in May hopefully.