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How many hours per day do you play games?

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New Member
Are you a gaming addict? I tend to play for three or four hours each day. I can say that I am addicted. I love GTA V and my sports games as well as some RPG's like Skyrim and Zelda.


New Member
I usually don't play on the weekdays between college and being in our schools animation club I don't have time to play I usually play around four hours on the weekends if I have nothing to do.


New Member
I used to play games every day, now I only play every once in a while. When I'm gaming I spend maybe 1-3 hours, depending on the game.


I used to play 3-4 hours a day, more when I played WoW, sometimes up to 12h on weekends there :confused:

Nowadays, I don't have as much free time so I'm lucky if I can squeeze in about 2h a day.


New Member
I used to be in a Counter-Strike clan, and regularly racked up over 50 hours a week playing on Counter-Strike alone. It was starting to get in the way of education and then when I went to university I stopped completely. Since then I've only really played 2 hours a day maximum, with many days not even touching a game.

Personally, it's just my way to relax in the evenings. Some people watch a movie, or listen to music, my idea of relaxing is playing a well made game.


It really depends on my week and what I need to get accomplished. I'm the type who could wake up and play games until it's time to sleep. Yep, definitely have an addictive personality.

Instead, I only play if I've accomplished all my tasks for the day and make sure to quit an hour or so before I want to sleep. Otherwise, I can't sleep, cuz I'm all hyped up.


On a weekday usually 1-2 hours strictly of gaming, on weekends probably about 3-4 hours of gaming with 2-3 hours of general computer/web usage.


New Member
It really depends on my week and what I need to get accomplished. I'm the type who could wake up and play games until it's time to sleep. Yep, definitely have an addictive personality.

Instead, I only play if I've accomplished all my tasks for the day and make sure to quit an hour or so before I want to sleep. Otherwise, I can't sleep, cuz I'm all hyped up.

I used to be like that, but when you have so much work everyday and when you finally get everything finished chances are you tend to want to catch up on some sleep.


New Member
Somedays I play for hours and other days I don't play at all. I could go weeks or months withouth touching it but when I seems to be very long like 4 hrs. I guess i have an addictive personality too.


As a high school student, I get tons of homework every day after school. Being an A+ student (top 20 in my school grade every year), I have to strive to keep up my grades by studying and doing my homework. As such, I don't really play games that much often anymore as I used to. I guess when I'm done my homework, I do go on to play some games occasionally, but overall it would probably be 2-3 days per weekday with each day consisting of 30 minutes to 2 hours of gameplay, and then around 2-3 hours on the weekend. So on average, about 6-8 hours per week? It kind of feels a lot, and I feel like I should play less if I want to have my marks improve even further. The time varies from weekdays to weekends obviously, and it is affected by how much homework I get per day.


New Member
Gaming is my life. I could spend an entire day just playing video games, alone, with friends or online with strangers. I just find that video games are just really enjoyable and relaxing after a hard day at work. Or if something just bothers the hell out of you in real life, you can just go in a game, like GTA and just destroy everything in your way.

The News are always complaining that video games are prone to make people violent in real life, but in the contrary, it kinds of tame them to do things they would regret there.


New Member
Always as a fact I spend a couple of hours for playtime.
In fact you will find me playing about 4 hours in certain days while I end up skipping the following day due to various reasons. Averaging my total playtime per day I usually end up playing about 2 hours each day.


New Member
I play games about 3 hours a day on average. On the weekends its more but I play everyday.


New Member
I would love to spend more time playing video games I just got Battlefield 4 which is great I spent the whole weekend playing it!