Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

How long did it take?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I am not sure what age group we have here but when the game launched I took a few vacation days from work to sit around, enjoy not working and get some game time in. I think I was finished up in about two weeks but to be fair I only had a three day mini vacation (which I pretty much only gamed or napped).


New Member
I still haven't finished the game to the point of 100% completion, but I was finished with the main missions in about two weeks, like you. I've taken an extended break from the game this past month or so, but I'll be getting back around to it this weekend.


It took me about a month to complete the storyline of the game. To tell you the truth it took so long because I was playing the game off and on a lot but to tell you the truth this game was really a game that I enjoyed a lot.


Well-Known Member
I finished it in about 2 weeks as well. I honestly didn't think I'd finish it that early as I usually take longer to finish GTA games, but I got hooked on this game so much that I played it continually up to completion.

Jun Yun

Around the same time as well to complete the main storyline with minimal side missions. But it only shows as a partial completion and I still need to do side missions which are pretty good fun too.


It took me about 2 weeks more or less. On and of of course. I still haven't even finished all the side missions because I have been too busy playing online. I'll eventually go back and complete the entire game just to see if anything else happens. Don't spoil anything for me please, lol.

Jun Yun

It took me about 2 weeks more or less. On and of of course. I still haven't even finished all the side missions because I have been too busy playing online. I'll eventually go back and complete the entire game just to see if anything else happens. Don't spoil anything for me please, lol.

I like one side mission for Trevor wherein he helps a crazed couple. As soon as that side mission is available, do it. It is fun. :D


I finished it in probably 3 weeks, I had a couple of exams and couldn't play it as much as I wanted but it was fun anyway. haha


New Member
Finished around the same time as well. Wasn't playing it that much for a little bit, then got back into it and finally finished it after not taking a break for some days, hahaha.


With school, work and martial arts practice, I haven't finished the full game, and I'm a little hesitant to read the top comments of those who have cause i don't want to ruin it for myself but congratulations.