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How is the racing in GTA V?

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The racing definitely is better compared to older versions. Though, to blame the fact that you are losing a ton of reasons because you can't turn good is crazy to me. I didn't have any issues winning races in either game.

Diego Carmona

New Member
I have been playing GTA V for a quite while now and really like the driving mechanism of the game. It's so smooth - much better than previous GTA games, especially GTA IV. They have improved so much in the short span of time. t feels like a racing game when you are driving? What do think?

I think it's quite a stretch to say it "feels like a racing game". It certainly is better than previous GTA, and shows improvement in the right way. However, the complexity of the driving mechanisms is nowhere near games like GT or The Crew.

I however, prefer GTA V over any of those games, because of the obvious additions. You don't only get to drive, you get to do so much more.


New Member
It's actually so much better than I thought it would be. GTA is known for being a 'gangster simulator' or a 'crime simulator', so I wouldn't have expected anything amazing. However, the racing is quite good and challenging. The online part of it is great, as you race against other players, and it gives good rewards. The handling is smooth, and I don't accidentally turn 95° just by slightly moving the joystick. Racing is not the main thing I do in GTA, as that's not what the game is for IMO, and if I wanted to race I would play other games. However, if some friends want to race or if I feel like it, it's pretty good.
There are better games to buy if you want to race, but they are still really awesome. The on line track designer in amazing in terms of what you can create. The mechanics of the racing is really good, but the graphics are not the best. If you are looking for fun game play this is your game, but if you are looking for graphics look at Forza or Need For Speed.
I think it's alright. Racing is pretty fun in any game. Even if it's a sandbox game like GTA, it's still pretty fun. Who doesn't love a good competition?


The one thing I request for GTA V racing is a speedometer. That would allow you to compare the speeds of vehicles much more easily, so you can see which vehicle you should pick for your primary racing vehicle. I also like the GTA style races where you can shoot at the other cars, it really mixes up the racing scene, instead of it just being regular racing.


New Member
I for one love it./ While there are a few people complaining about it, most of the people I have played Online with, seem to be happy about it. You have to understand that it's not a racing game like Forza where they could afford to pay the whole attention to racing aspects only.