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How do you make money on GTA V?

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Active Member
I hunt down the armoured money trucks, rob stores/gas stations, attack the cannabis farm, collect money from the people I kill and get the weekly pay from the businesses my characters own.

Hunting down the money trucks has got to be the most fun though.


By robbing bank, stores and do some heists with my friends. Sometimes Heists are the best option for me to earn some big money.
The most money can be made by making the right decisions during heists, and then properly investing that money after the game is done into the assassination missions (offered by Lester). I managed to make billions this way.

As for Online, I usually try to do heists with friends (it's impossible with strangers), or play Deathmatches and 32 player races.


Active Member
A few days ago I noticed there were a collection of banks you could go into around the land. I tried to rob the one over in town on the North-West coast but you couldn't unfortunately. I was left very disappointed.


Active Member
The most money can be made by making the right decisions during heists, and then properly investing that money after the game is done into the assassination missions (offered by Lester). I managed to make billions this way.

As for Online, I usually try to do heists with friends (it's impossible with strangers), or play Deathmatches and 32 player races.
I feel you. I just can't do heists with strangers without failing at least once, we aren't able to coordinate. Playing with your friends is much more enjoyable and less stressful, that's the best way to make money.


Active Member
Is making money on the online version really as hard as what is being implied?

It's putting me off wanting to go through the online storyline and just use online for fooling around, that and racing.


Making money isn't really that hard. Heists make a lot of money as long as you do them well. Robbing banks is useful but you won't make much money. Investing is also a nice idea but it's too boring for me so I just keep doing heists.


You pretty much do everything in life that you wouldn't normally do. You rob people and kill those who try to call the cops on you. You commit illegal activities and get paid lots of money for it.


Well-Known Member
I do heists mostly but I just do whatever I feel at the time. Often I get too tired of the same thing over and over and sometimes I just need a break so I'll just do something else over and over for a while.


Active Member
Is making money on the online version really as hard as what is being implied?

It's putting me off wanting to go through the online storyline and just use online for fooling around, that and racing.
No, not really. Heists are the way to go, you can also do them with your friends so that you coordinate well and finish the heists faster. You get a lot of money from those.


Active Member
No, not really. Heists are the way to go, you can also do them with your friends so that you coordinate well and finish the heists faster. You get a lot of money from those.
I doubt I'll be playing online for a while at least.

I'm currently making a small mint from doing the assassination missions for Lester. Got two more to go I believe.