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How did GTA V successfully launch three times in two years?

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Active Member
GTA V has seen releases on three separate occasions without major changes besides the graphics. I'm not that surprised that all three releases have seen huge sales numbers, but how did Rockstar make this happen? Even old successful games that get HD remakes aren't always successful. Yet Rockstar has released this game so many times in about a year-and-a-half and been successful on every occasion.


I mean it is because they are rockstar and the thing with that company is that you have come to expect that most of the games that they make will be really good and also I think that they are really good when it comes to their marketing strategy with that I would say that they have been doing a really good job most of the time when they have been releasing games.


Active Member
I think the true key to success was building anticipation for each new version of the same game and pacing the release dates far enough from each other to not seem like a COMPLETE cash grab.


Active Member
The GTA series is one of the most popular games around and I think one of the most sought after. The PC ports have always been quite popular and I think the next-gen console ports followed the same pattern.


Active Member
The PC version did add new features such as first person view, and the possibility of modding was arguably a really huge draw.


Well-Known Member
I think people recognize a good game when they see it and you could really feel the dedication the developers put into the product instead of just churning out a generic game for the sake of making more money. With a game like this I think they have already put in most of the effort into making the game itself to be the best possible so selling it again and again doesn't require too much anymore since the product is already good enough to sell itself and all they really have to do is not screw it up.


I think people recognize a good game when they see it and you could really feel the dedication the developers put into the product instead of just churning out a generic game for the sake of making more money. With a game like this I think they have already put in most of the effort into making the game itself to be the best possible so selling it again and again doesn't require too much anymore since the product is already good enough to sell itself and all they really have to do is not screw it up.

This is the same way that I feel about the game and most of the games that this company makes. It is like they put so much work into making the games and this is something that you can tell when you get the opportunity to play the game. There is so much attention paid to the smaller details in this game that you can see why so many people are so in love with the game.


Well-Known Member
This is the same way that I feel about the game and most of the games that this company makes. It is like they put so much work into making the games and this is something that you can tell when you get the opportunity to play the game. There is so much attention paid to the smaller details in this game that you can see why so many people are so in love with the game.
Yup, their attention to detail is really impressive and I think even if most people don't really research or pay attention long enough to really notice those small things, subconsciously they know how well everything moves and works well together so they don't really have to do much more selling at this point.


It's because they actually made a game with a lot of unique content and high replay value, so each time it was enchanced for each release just made it better. Staggering releases only increases the hype of a game that is already really good, the PC version being the definitive edition and being moddable just takes it over the top.


Active Member
The game was very hyped before every release. Rockstar did a great job with advertising and that resulted in a lot of success sales-wise.


GTA franchise are really big. And some people don't have PS4 at that time yet. And every time they launch on Ps4 or Xbox One and PC, they add some features and it was really worth the wait because it is really a good game.


Active Member
It's because they actually made a game with a lot of unique content and high replay value, so each time it was enchanced for each release just made it better. Staggering releases only increases the hype of a game that is already really good, the PC version being the definitive edition and being moddable just takes it over the top.

True, except the PC version isn't the definitive version aside from having mods thrown into the mix for singeplayer. Every other feature in GTA V for PC is in the console versions or will be in them soon, a la the Rockstar Editor. Also, to a previous poster, the PC version didn't introduce first-person view. That was the PS4/Xbox One versions that had it first.


True, except the PC version isn't the definitive version aside from having mods thrown into the mix for singeplayer. Every other feature in GTA V for PC is in the console versions or will be in them soon, a la the Rockstar Editor. Also, to a previous poster, the PC version didn't introduce first-person view. That was the PS4/Xbox One versions that had it first.
I'mma just keep calling it the definitive edition until they release something that claims to have some sort of upgrade to the graphics that puts that version over the top of all the other ones with its features. #PCMASTERRACE.


They added enough graphical improvements and new features each time to make players feel like getting the newer version of the game was a good value and worth another purchase.
Plus their advertising was exciting. The PlayStation 4 GTA V commercials with the song From Nowhere got me really psyched for the next gen release.


Releasing it three times has earned them a lot of money, I'm sure. First, it came out on old-gen consoles, so you buy it for your 360 or PS3. After that, it came out on next-gen consoles and everyone is crazy about the improved graphics and the first person mode, buy it again. Then, a few months later it's released on PC. Look at the graphics now! Everyone buys it AGAIN, for the third time. Obviously, not everyone bought it three times. I've only bought it once for the PC. But I'm sure there are a lot of people who at least bought it twice, and that is how it earned them a lot of money.
Hype is the answer. For the first release, people were hyped because it was GTA V, and it was "FINALLY COMING!!!". People were hyped for the second release because it meant that they get to play GTA V on their current-gen console (the first person announcement also helped A LOT). I think that the most hype was for the PC release, because PC gamers waited a loooong time for this game, and the fac tthat it would finally be able to mod and with better graphics meant that even those who bought it on console bought it a second (or third!) time.


It also helps that it's a fantastic game and there's tons of DLC.
If it was a mediocre game, they couldn't have pulled off multiple successful launches.
Some games are so bad that even huge preorder bonuses and swag giveaways couldn't save them.
It could be possible that GTA V relies on some kind of bandwagon effect. People think that the game is really cool and all just because it's new. When the first one was released, there was so much hype going on. That hype probably got carried on to the rest of the GTA V releases.