Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Have you played Ride 2 Rising Sun Bike Pack?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Have you ever played Ride 2 Rising Sun Bikes Pack? I heard a lot about it and want to try it. Is this game that much interesting as it seems in its trailer? How are the graphics and features?


Active Member
No, I never played Ride 2 Rising Sun Bike Pack but judging by the trailer, it seems to be a good and interesting version / game. Maybe I'll try it someday because for now, I have other games on my waiting list. :D


I saw the trailer, too and I have to say that from what I saw Ride 2 Rising Sun Bikes Pack looks quite thrilling with those bikes made in Japan. I wouldn't mind devoting a bit of time to playing that myself.


New Member
I've played Ride 2 Rising Sun Bike Pack at a friend's house and it was really great. The features are exactly what the fans would have been expecting but there was some nice bonuses there too. I like the different kinds of bikes that they had there.


Active Member
I saw the trailer, too and I have to say that from what I saw Ride 2 Rising Sun Bikes Pack looks quite thrilling with those bikes made in Japan. I wouldn't mind devoting a bit of time to playing that myself.

This is what I plan to do: devoting a bit of time to play this game. I was impressed (positively speaking) with that trailer. The game seems to be quite exciting and challenging. :cool:


I have noticed lately that I seem to be playing more and more racing games and this will make my transition that much more exciting. I can't wait to discover what else lies hidden in those packs.


Active Member
I have noticed lately that I seem to be playing more and more racing games and this will make my transition that much more exciting. I can't wait to discover what else lies hidden in those packs.

Get ready becasue you'll discover a true magical world and once you are immersed in it you'll no longer be able to get rid of it. I can guarantee you. :)
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Thanks for the encouragement, Shine_Spirit. Although, to be honest, the ride game sells itself and I hardly need to be asked twice to play it.


I have not played it. But now that you mentioned I have something new to explore. Is there anything specific about this pack that I should know?
I have not played Ride 2 Rising Sun Bike pack. But I just watched the trailer and I loved it. Judging from these replies, I can see that it's a great game. I should definitely try this if I have time to play.


Thanks for the encouragement, Shine_Spirit. Although, to be honest, the ride game sells itself and I hardly need to be asked twice to play it.
You are right about this Lord. Ride 2 really sells itself and that is why I am so excited about the Rising Sun Bike Pack. I have not watched this trailer you guys are talking about and maybe when I do, I will have more insight.