Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Have you got bored of GTA V yet?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
At this point I've stopped playing the game for a bit, but I will start playing it again in the future. That's the beauty of any GTA game. I get bored of it for a while, but I always get the urge to play it again a few months down the line.


Active Member
I've stopped playing as well in favour of Forza 6 at the moment, but I'm certainly not bored with it.

I was having great fun with the Cargobob a few days ago.
Yeah, a bit, but I still fire it up from time to time to either check out the new GTA Online DLCs, or to just shoot the shit with my friends who are in the same situation as I am.
I do the same thing. The dlc is the only thing that keeps me coming back at the moment. Every time there's new content I come back to it for a bit.


Active Member
Is there any new content on the horizon at the moment?

I'm still having fun with the Cargobob, seeing what stuff I can pick up and trying to place the stuff in locations that just amuse me. I've also been doing a lot of flinging cars onto the highway that's been pretty fun.
You should try to kill someone with a vehicle you're currently hauling with the Cargobob. It's really hard to do, but if you manage to kill someone by crushing them with a car the sheer hilarity of it is worth the effort.


Active Member
I've been doing that with people at the beach.

Those parts where you find people with tents having a party, well I've gotten quite the master at dropping a car on the unsuspecting group. The results are pretty funny! I've also tried it at the beach in south LS mainly dropping cars on unsuspecting sunbathers but sadly the effect is not so much fun.

When the police come however, I've also taken to picking up their cars and tossing them into the water. It's pretty fun.


Well-Known Member
At this point I've stopped playing the game for a bit, but I will start playing it again in the future. That's the beauty of any GTA game. I get bored of it for a while, but I always get the urge to play it again a few months down the line.
Same here. I'm taking a break but I've always done this with every version of the game. I'm sure that I'll pick it up again soon and do some random things or even replay the missions.


Active Member
It's what makes the GTA series stand out from the rest. It has an almost endless replay value and I just love that about them.

You get bored after a while but you pick it up and soon discover something you did not find before.
Yeah, I think it's one of the few games, besides Nintendo IPs, that has me coming back to it years after I beat it. Every game is just tons of fun whenever you feel like wreaking havoc.


Active Member
Yeah it's the perfect game if you want to blow off some steam (or in this case somenes head!)

And with all the variety there are ever more imaginative ways in disposing of people.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's the perfect game if you want to blow off some steam (or in this case somenes head!)

And with all the variety there are ever more imaginative ways in disposing of people.
I like doing this to relieve stress as well. Sometimes I feel guilty about finding relief in violence though, even if it's just in a game because it's so realistic and it makes me feel like a psycho. However, it's still a hundred times more fun than meditation so whatever.


Active Member
Yeah I can relate to feeling bad about going psycho in the game. I mean it's seriously entertaining doing it but there are moments when I feel quite bad about it.

A few times while blasting along the dirt roads I've had a deer run out in front of my car that I could not avoid. Does make me feel that little bit guilty.


To be honest no. I love the game and still play the hell out of it, though I will admit i can barely play online solo anymore. Just with friends, and they're all bored of GTAV because of BLOPS 3


Active Member
I'm re-discovering first person mode again so that's gonna keep me entertained for quite a while longer.

I should really try out online mode again and screw around with it.


To be fully honest, yes I did. But I guess that's because I couldn't make the switch to a next-gen console or a better PC as of now and have to stick with the "old-gen GTA V". Without updates and several features from the new gen versions it becomes quite boring after a while.


Active Member
Is there that much of an online community left on the old gen consoles?

Should imagine most have jumped ship.


I can never get bored of any GTA games. Well, I did get bored of Vice City, but that was after like 4 years of playing it. I will never get tired of GTA V because it is so huge. there is so much to explore! I don't like playing it online though. I think there are other fun games to play online.


Active Member
I'm surprised that you don't find the online play fun at all.

Is there any reason or is it just a preference?


I still go back and cause random accidents and go on rampages. But I do that with my older GTA games too. If I have a few free minutes,I raise a little hell. It's harder to outrun the cops in GTA V though.