Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
It dеpеnds оn whаt yоu mеаn by "bеаt". Finishing thе mаin stоrylinе is simplе еnоugh: kееp plаying mаin missiоns until yоu rеасh thе еnd оf thе gаmе.

If by "bеаt" yоu mеаn rеасh 100% соmplеtiоn, hоwеvеr, thеrе аrе mаny littlе quеsts, асhiеvеmеnts, аnd missiоns tо bе dоnе оn thе sidе bеfоrе rеасhing truе 100% соmplеtiоn.

Tо асhiеvе 100% соmplеtiоn, yоu must:

· Соmplеtе аll 69 (funny, Rосkstаr) оfthе mаinstоrylinе missiоns

· Соmplеtе 14 оut оf 57 rаndоm еvеnts

· Соmplеtе Frаnklin's "Strаngеrs аndFrеаks" sidеmissiоns

· Соmplеtе 42 оf 59 "Hоbbiеs аndPаstimеs" (bаsе jumping, dаrts, tеnnis, shооtingrаngе, еtс.)

· Соmplеtе 16 misсеllаnеоustаsks (inсludingpurсhаsing 5 prоpеrtiеs, wаlking аndplаyingwithСhоpthе dоg, соllесting аll 50 spасеshippаrts/lеttеrsсrаps)

GTА Vis аn еnоrmоusgаmе. Thеrе's а lоttо dо tо kееpyоubusy, еvеn аftеrсоmplеtingthе mаinstоrylinе.


Beating GTA is when you get the game at 100%. That being said, I think I've never beaten a GTA game ever, i never reach 100%, I get close only.


I don't know any of my friend who has tried to complete the game 100%, and truly I don't think they're intending to. The storyline isn't that big of a selling point as causing a ruckus is.

I don't think I will be completing GTA V, however I did find it enjoyable finishing GTA: Vice City way back..


New Member
The closest I got to 100% in a GTA game was 99% in San Andreas, because of 1 or 2 stunts that I couldn't find on the map. However, the map in San Andreas can't be compared to the one in GTA V, the latter being a lot bigger. GTA V gives us a lot of activities in order to achieve 100% in which being playing with Chop, the dog, which, I personally, wouldn't even bother doing.
I actually killed the dog (I don't know if it's possible but I hit it with my car)


The only game I ever had on 100 percent was Grand Theft Auto 3 and I did it with no cheat codes either. I remember what a pain it was to collect all of those stupid hidden packages. Now the games are so advanced and so time-consuming I doubt very much I would be able too beat one on close to 100 percent. I just do the story line and call it a day.


Active Member
As others have said, it all depends on what you mean by beat the game. For some people that means achieving 100% but for others just doing the main storyline is enough.

Either way, it's going to take you a long time to do either, and the GTA games are well worth the money in that respect.


Active Member
Just do all the side missions and do every type of activity and storyline/side quest available.

The tricky part to that is actually finding them all in the first place. The strangers and freaks side quests are the most annoying for me as they just randomly pop up, and just as you think you've done them all, another one appears!


New Member
The tricky part to that is actually finding them all in the first place. The strangers and freaks side quests are the most annoying for me as they just randomly pop up, and just as you think you've done them all, another one appears!
I know what you mean man. Just gotta keep going. Whats your Xbox One name? If you don't have one just don't reply.


I don't think I could get all the side missions done without wandering around, you guys have some really good sense of completion if you can manage to do that :p


Active Member
Getting 100% in GTA 5 is really hard, I think I'm around 76% and I'm too lazy to go do the rest. I just like messing around!


New Member
I guess it does depend on how you define beat, I said I beat it when I completed the main story line, not when I got 100%. Although thinking about it the game is a lot easier to 100% than other games or even previous GTA titles. Considering if you look on the Rockstar site a lot of objectives (like the strangers and freaks) only require you to complete like 80% of them or something like that to contribute to the 100%.
For me, beating a game is just finishing the main storyline. Everything else you can do is extra and is by no means considered for you to say you beat the game, in my opinion anyway.


New Member
You don't beat the game... the game beats you, and that's quite right. Although the story line wasn't really intended to be more spectacular than the graphics itself, there are still a few plot twists here and there and some tension-enhancing moments. A few of them are enough to keep you hooked in. :D