Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Well, the whole tree thing is up for the debate. Though, I do remember the volley ball tent being made of indestructible steel. I literally totaled my car when I hit it.


Yeah I was a bit confused by that as well. I'm guessing it's probably just for certain types of people. From the looks of the picture I saw it was a working woman so you could test it out on those first and see if you get a reaction.

I've seen that at work as well, it seems that if you either follow someone or just stand around them too long, they will call the cops and say they are being chased.
I discovered this when I went to the bathroom, left my controller, and came back to me being arrested...

Miles Hansen

New Member
GTA has a tendency to have absolutely screwed up physics. That's not to say that the developers haven't done an amazing job: They absolutely have, but gamers in general tend to be very nitpicky when it comes to this stuff. I personally don't care, or rather I find it humorous more than annoying. To each their own I guess, but the point is: Nobody is perfect, and certainly not game devs.


While we're talking screwed up physics. Has anyone else ever hit a car in online only to get pushed down the street by a car that has somehow become Superman?


Well-Known Member
I've seen that at work as well, it seems that if you either follow someone or just stand around them too long, they will call the cops and say they are being chased.
I discovered this when I went to the bathroom, left my controller, and came back to me being arrested...
Lol I didn't know you could actually be arrested for that, I thought it was just some random dialogue like everything else. If so then that is hilarious. I think I'll try it with mine next time.